The land of Poetry.

Poetry was great to show feelings. When we were doing poetry in class I had so many idea’s and one of them were called ” The Ocean Wave”. I got that the idea from a drawing I made at home. I also made one called ” Wonders we are”. I got inspired by the book “We are all wonders!”. Also poetry is not only about rhyming. It’s also about writing stories and making them how you like it. Poetry is a word of thought. poetry is a word of art. poetry is a beautiful thing.

The Vacation!

(Day 0)

On the sweating and steaming car I said “ARE WE THERE YET?!” and the answer I heard was “NO” I was tired waiting to get to the hotel It was 90% outside and I was in the car with all the windows open but still IT WAS HOT! Finally I heard the greatest words that would make my day NOW WE ARE HERE.I noticed the doors opening I heard the chatting at the hotel… we were there! ” I can’t believe we are here!”. My brother said “Relax your making us look weird” but I didn’t care what he said or what people thought about me I was spinning and twirling around in the air conditioned Hotel. It was a long time to get our room for something I don’t know I just heard the person at the register and my dad talking and I heard  BLAH BLAH BLAH this and that BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!” But of course we ended up getting a room. I was waiting for our special guest’s to get here then I heard the voice I was waiting for . guys it’s me! I open’d the door and had a huge smile on my face it was my cousin! I was ready to do a 9 day Vacation at where I was born… Israel.

(DAY 1)

I had my bathing suit on and ready to go to the best place to cool off the Beach everyone was ready! “Time to go I!” I yelled all my cousins were not ready, Well I was not surprised I am always the first one to get ready because I didn’t really care what I was wearing I just wanted to do the event. Okay everyone was ready, lets roll! We arrived at the beach we all went surfing the best!!! WELL…. just because we were not experts does not mean we can’t try? But I never knew what was under the sea, So did my other cousin…. My other cousin swimming across the salty ocean being so brave but remember when I said that my other cousin didn’t know also what were under the ocean well that’s what exactly what happened I heard the scream from my other cousin he got stung. He dashed over to his mom and went inside the hotel, After that I did not know what else to think that’s when I got scared of the beach I would never like to go there ever again but It wasn’t my choice.

(Day 2)

Today I went to the beach again I was not excited to put on my bathing suit, But all of my family and cousins wanted to go and I could not stay in the hotel room. I tried to make fun out of surfing it was a little better but jellyfish was still there locked in my mind I was not brave I was scared.But my cousin was so sweet because she made me a wall and it said Elah behind it. My cousin said there you are safe, That made me feel a little better but I know it wasn’t true but at least she tried that is most important right? The day continued by I will still in the shallow end but I was in the water! Well I tried I will never go to the deep end.

(Day 3)

Why is it always the same place! BEACH BEACH BEACH!!! That” it I could not do this anymore I asked my mom If she can stay in the hotel room and I can stay here. She looked very confused when I said that but she agreed. But of course later in the day she asked why, But… I ignored her. What a great way I thought to not talk to your mom when she ask’s something you don’t want to stay. BUT of course she asked me again. I was thinking HOW LONG WILL SHE ASK ME THIS IF I KEEP IGNORING HER??? Also I didn’t give up. When  my cousins came back to the beach I was playing with them IN the hotel room we all shared. But the most terrible thing in the world happened, WE went to dinner at the beach all of my family and cousins were going for dinner at the beach. One thing popped up into my mind and it was wait will we go in the pool or just eat at the beach? YES YES YES YES YES! You know what that means, we are not going in to water we just eating I wonder why we go to the beach every day?

(Day 4)

Finally…the day has come we are not going to the BEACH I can’t believe maybe my mom figured out and when I was sleeping she told every one about it… Oh well if she did I am glad she did. I was so excited to just stay in bed and play Roblox because the last time I stayed in the hotel I stayed in my mom’s room but she let me stay in MY cousin,Sister’s room. But I felt lonely and it was very scary being by myself but it was okay I said to myself I was 8 and I should  not be scared! I wish I had some one to play Roblox with or talk to so… I turned on the T.V not for a friend or anything like that it just made noise so it would not seem like I am not alone. Now as I am saying it sounds weird but trust me it helped.

(Day 5)

Oh well I knew I can’t stay in the hotel room forever. WE went to the beach again but this time.. My cousin offered to play with me on the sand. It was great we made a tower near the beach shower it was so fun we filled the sand tower we made with water but we had some issue’s it fell apart but just the bottom and that was horrible when the bottom of our tower broke down the rest of the tower went down with  the bottom. I was so unlucky because this was the hottest day out of all the days. When I finally pulled myself together I went in the deep end. I was surf boarding it felt strange being back in the water but I was proud… OW I felt something on my leg I went to the shallow end and checked what was hurting my leg but there was nothing I went surf boarding again.. OW I checked again nothing there I went surf boarding AGAIN….OW, That’s it I was scared I went to my mom and told her. She checked my leg. My mom said Ow no Elah go inside the hotel I will stay with you.

(Day 6)

When I woke up OW. Mom I yelled! My mom rushed over is your sun burn okay? IT HURTS MOM, MY mom said did you put sunscreen on? Did dad put sunscreen on you? I replied with No and No. My mom was surprised, where is your dad? my mom asked. I said he is in your room. She stomped to HER room. Wow I thought very childish. I was to worried of hurting myself when I cover the blanket because when I sleep I always cold so what am I supposed to do suck it up? Now when I was saying it sounds like the thing I am supposed to do.Also I said I was 8 so I can do everything on my own and I am strong… Well not exactly strong or I can do anything on my own like ANYTHING but you get the point. When my cousins and sister came back to the hotel they seemed like they were sorry even though they don’t know about my sunburn right?

(Day 7) Okay they do know All my GIRL cousins and my sister told me my mom said to make me feel okay and take my sunburn off my mind? Mom THAT WON”T HELP. Well thanks for trying!…I guess? My mom came to my room and put my cream on for my sunburn. My mom said to stay IN bed and of course I said NO NO NO NO! Why not my mom asked because my sunburn hurts when I cover myself with the blanket. My mom said why not just sit or rest on your bed. Okay, she even said if it hurts that much you can play Roblox. Okay I like that but I think my mom is becoming… I don’t know.. OVER PROTECTIVE??? But she still is sweet… Maybe that’s the reason why she is always so babyish to me because she’s so nice.

(Day 8)

Time to pack up! My mom said. Oh no, I spent my whole time worrying about the water I could not really have fun I only went in the water for one day. Also I can’t go to the beach because of my burn. Oh well I guess I wasted this Vacation but It was pretty full of adventures. I remember when One of my cousins got stung I was steaming hot when I was in the car… Maybe I was to excited. My favorite memory  was when My cousin made a sand wall and wrote Elah behind it. Oh well time to pack. My last time having dinner well at least it was at the beach. When the parents were finding a seat we went to a near by gym and It was a blast I think my sister a cousins we impressed. It was dinner the parents found a table and we started ordering and eating… and drinking!

(Day 9)

The last day has come it was really sad we all started getting our suit cases and back packs. It was really upsetting and I am always more upset then anyone in the family or in the cousins I would cry for an hour because I would be leaving my cousins but now I was more upset that I was going to miss my place where I was really born. But we had 10 minutes to play and it was ROBLOX it was really weird because I felt better when all my cousins and family played Roblox but not the parents of course not the parents. 10 minutes passed it was time to go we all gave each other a hug I dashed at of the hotel room and started bursting out with tears. It was the right time to to let tears out because I could not hold in the pain of leaving. I was glad when It passed 1 hour  because I stopped being so emotional, and I felt better because I was back home. My real home.