Reading Timeline Reflection

When we started to make our timelines, I knew I wanted to be creative. I decided to do a hybrid. (both images and coloring) I wanted to do books that I can reflect on and that impacted me a lot in many different ways. At the start, I knew this was going to be a fun project. The steps I took were getting information, printing the covers, and then making the timeline. The part that I disliked the most was probably writing the information inside of my books. I had trouble finding what I should write and how I should properly say it inside my reflection. The part I liked the most was picking out the books. I liked that part because there have been many books that have impacted me over the years and I got to choose some of them that are my favorites. Looking back, I realized that in the books that impacted me the most there was always a challenge. This showed me to never give up and always rise to the challenge. The book that stands out to me the most is refugee. It showed to look at things in a different way and you should never give up despite the challenge. For example, In the book One person had to escape Nazi Germany and Another person had to get to America from Cuba and the other story is someone is in a place that is having a civil war! These are all true events that happened. I recommend this book and all of the other books on my reading timeline to any type of reader.

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