Rube Goldberg Reflection #1

A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that makes something easier. We (5C) were tasked with making one. For example, You could do a machine that flips a light switch so you don’t have to flip it yourself. There are many things you can build a Rube Goldberg to do.

The researching part of the project was pretty fun. We had to find things we could incorporate into our Rube Goldberg. Some of the websites that were useful were youtube and google. Youtube because I could find how to build simple machines and other things to incorporate into our machines. Google was useful because I could search up good ideas and ways to structure my Rube Goldberg so it wouldn’t fall.

One challenge was editing. it was hard because whenever one part didn’t work you would have to go back to your sketch and your plan and find what was wrong. this was hard because the problem isn’t always found in the sketch. If you couldn’t find the error you would have to try to either remake or fix the part or put in something that would work instead of the part that isn’t working. When my gears weren’t working decided to build a pendulum instead but still incorporate the gears as stability. Fortunately, there was only one main challenge but unluckily, it was a very big challenge. Testing my project was fun and also hard. Whenever it didn’t work consistently, you would have to go back into your design. Some challenges there were from filming was getting a good angle and also getting every part of the Rube Goldberg.  Designing my Rube Goldberg project was very fun and it was like trial and error because we had to think logically and have our build be able to work. Designing was hard because there were many sketches that you had to build part of to see if it would work or not. For some of the simple machines, I included the lever, inclined plane, wheel, and screw. Most of these were easier to incorporate than the others because there are more opportunities to use an inclined plane than a lever. This made it hard because you had to really think about how to incorporate each thing. Most of the materials worked well but some didn’t like the wedge. I decided to use things I could find around my house and to see if they would work. I tested each step one at a time so I could easily fix the problems.

All in all, doing the Rube Goldberg machine was both fun and challenging.  When we continue the project, I think it will be even more fun than before.


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