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Coding #2


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This project was really fun to make because I made it multiplayer. When I first started to make the project I knew a normal catch game wouldn’t be enough, I wanted more. I knew just making game single player would be boring. It is not hard to make a multiplayer game. You just need to duplicate the sprite and fix some controls, then BAM! You have your multiplayer catch game. The whole process was really fun and I hope to make more multiplayer games.



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I thought my group did a pretty good job on our debate. We weren’t that prepared because we did not have much time to practice. Giana was sick for half of the week. Luckily for us we remembered what we had done from last week so we did a good job. Everyone was pretty nervous at the start ut than we became comfortable and we had a strong debate. Some people could have spoken louder but its fine. We thought we gave really good evidence because we both shared a video of why we have to either save the humans or to save the shark. We thought we did very well and we all had fun.


Coding #1

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`At the start of February Ms. Edwards gave us an assignment to make four scratch projects. This is my first one. When I was making this project I wanted to make a savage scratch project. I didn’t know what to start with so it turns into a pretty funny and weird project. To start the savage madness click space.


WARNING : You will go crazy if you watch this for too long. Have fun 🙂


Rube goldberg 6


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After we had our successful attempt we realized that we needed to get a better video. Then Sam and I began to keep trying to get another success. We thought we would get better filming because we wouldn’t be so ecstatic that our thing was working.  After 11 tries we got it to work. Then we started to work on our we video. That was the end of our meeting. Her is a video.


Rube Goldberg 5

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Sam and I are continuing to test our rube Goldberg machine. We were annoyed because we hoped it would work quicker. We kept on trying and we got some close attempts. We wanted to get it we wanted it bad. I knew my dad would be coming at 8:30 so we had to go quick.  then, my dad showed up he told Sam and I that we would get one more attempt for today. This is what happened.


Rube Goldberg 3

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When Sam and I met for the third time we had a plan to add a step or two to our project and do the sketch. The step we added to our project was that the train would go down the track but there was a string attached to the train so when the train went down it would move the wheel because the other end of the string was attached to the wheel. We also set up a Popsicle stick chain reaction where when the first Popsicle stick fell all the other ones would fall too. We attached string to the first stick and the other end of the string on the wheel. When the train moved the wheel the wheel would pull the first Popsicle stick off which started the reaction. It worked first try. We thought we would have trouble with our sketch because we both stunk at drawing. We managed to draw the sketch very well. Watch the video.


Rube Goldberg Post 2

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Sam and I’s second experience with Rube Goldberg is when we had to figure out what to do after the Anki overdrive goes through the track. Sam and I had to deal with many, many fails before we found the right thing to do after the Anki overdrive. Our first idea was to have the car hit a toilet paper roll which hit some dominoes but we had a problem we wanted to make the machine go on the table where everything would be easier. That idea didn’t work because we couldn’t get the height to get on the table. Our second idea was to have the car hit the toilet paper roll which hit a domino. This time we made a stairway out of magnetiles we both thought that this idea would work but then we realized we had a problem there weren’t enough magnetiles to reach the top of the table another problem was that the dominoes wouldn’t all hit each other. Our third idea was to ditch the idea of getting it on the table we made marbles go through tubes and to hit more dominoes but we wanted more than that. Then we finally had a brilliant idea. We had the car hit a pool ball which hit the button on the controller for wobotto, a robot. The robot was on the table and that is how we got our machine off the ground. Watch this funny video of us failing!

🙂 Try not to laugh!!!!!!!


Rube Goldberg Post 1

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After Sam and I met for the first time we felt like we had done a lot more than wwe expected. Our first step was not what was supposed to happen. We wanted water to go in the bucket and pour the water out into another thing. What really happened was thatr there was to much weight in the bucket so the rope went off the tape and the bucket flew into the shower door. Sam and I then realized that we could see if that will keep happening and it did keep happening so we decided to start off our Rube Goldberg machine like that. We noticed that when the bucket hit the door the door moved so we put some olsd video game containers and lined them up like dominoes  we tryed the whole thing from the start and sure enough it worked. Then we had a really good idea we took Anki overdrive tracks and put them around for the car to go on. We were going to have the video games hit the car but the games were too big so we used dominoes before the Anki overdrive. This was our progress after day one. Check out the video to see how we though we did!

P.S. Sorry for bad filming


5th Grade Reflection

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5th grade has been really fun so far. We have been doing activities I never thought we would ever do like launching rockets. It was so fun because I felt like I was a real engineer. I feel like I’m getting pushed to the limets with my essays which is good. I think I am getting ready for middle school. I am also really psyched for Rube Goldberg because I love to build cool things.

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