Control Observation Manipulated Observation



Date Control Observation Manipulated Observation
5/8/17 Today my plant is getting taller and bigger.Date My table plant is not growing because the salt water doesn’t have the same effect as regular water.
5/9/17 Today the plants are getting really taller. Some of the salt got hurder and went to the bottom.
5/10/17 Today the plants are very strong and thick. Today the salt started to clear up.
5/11/17 Today the plants got stronger and on the with you can see some roots. Today the dirt  froze because most of the salt went to the bottom.
5/12/17 Today we see some true leaves blooming. Today the salt is clearing up still.
6/2/17 The plants are doing really well and our plants are growing bigger, Our plant died because the salt water is not the same as regular water.