Blog #7

For our last project for 6th grade computer tech we made a game online. We could use either Swift, Tinker, or Google Sheet, I used Google Sheets. I made a choose a path sort of game where there’s two answers and if you pick A you would go to a specific spot on the sheet and if you got them all right, the end of your path would be a win, but if you don’t get them right than you loose, but if you get, lets say the first one wrong the second question has a right answer and if you get the rest right than you could still win its not a one way outcome the first time. So its kind of like a second chance or a way to redeem yourself throughout the puzzle. I think that the hardest part was when I had to come up with the questions, to be honest most of the questions are really easy because I ran out of ideas  for questions, but even though some of them are easy it still actually took about 30 minutes to finish.

Blog Post #7

This week for my assignment I made a weeks worth of the P.E. wellness log. I made it by documenting my work threw out the week. At the end it looked pretty cool and clean so I was proud of my self. Sometimes it was hard, especially with the graph. I learned that you can’t youse words because it messes up the code of the app because it sees that it’s not a number and it doesn’t know what to do so it says no data, but my dad helped me and it worked in the end. I’m not going to lie, I was late for putting in my graph so it was stressful. Here it is: