5th Grade – WeVideo – 2020 Edition

When creating a movie, video, PSA, or any visual project using a non-linear editor like WeVideo you need to keep a few standard rules in mind:


  • Start with 2 seconds of black
  • End with 2 seconds of black
  • Images should be between 4-6 seconds, no longer
  • Titles – you need to be able to read it out-loud 2x before it disappears to ensure your audience will have time to read it
  • Video is measured in frames-per-second
    • 24 frames = 1 second


When working with WeVideo

  • Go to wevideo.com
  • Log in with Google
  • Go to Projects
    • When starting something new always create a new Project first
    • think of it like a folder in Drive, it helps keep your work organized
  • Once you make an empty project, create a blank Edit

For a practice project

  • Pick a topic and search the Stock Media
  • Only use the free, stock images and videos from within WeVideo
  • Must be exactly 30 seconds and include
  • at least 2 images
  • at least 2 video clips
  • at least 2 titles

Check out this brief tutorial overview to help guide you through the process…


WeVideo Tutorial Videos

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