Rube Goldberg Meet Up #3

On our last meet up, we mostly just made videos. But at the start, we had someone shoot a rubber band gun at the marble to push it down the tube. But then Jackson’s mom said we should have someone kick another person in the butt, which would “activate” the shooting person. But Jackson kept failing at shooting the marble. So we just made up the “Poker 2000.” And we had “Yohan Goravich” (a.k.a Ben Yacoub) Who made the “Poker 2000” (a.k.a Jackson Fielding) poke the marble into the tube.

2 thoughts on “Rube Goldberg Meet Up #3

  1. I like how you gave everything a name because that showed that you had fun while working. I also like how you told us your options on how to start.

  2. I like how you included the part where it did not work, so you tried something else. I wonder after the three I commented on, did you have more trouble than you told.

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