Rube Goldberg #6

When I got into class, 4/18/16, Mrs.Edwards told me that we were going to the Computer Lab to make an imovie for Rube Goldberg. But we had a problem. Our group didn’t upload the video into drive. But when I told Jackson that, he said his mom emailed the video to Mrs.Edwards. Except that when we got to the lab, Mr.Casal said the we had to use the original video; so we couldn’t use the emailed version of it. Uh oh. But Jackson will upload the video to drive, and we’ll make the imovie tomorrow.

Rube Goldberg #5

Today in class, 4/12/16, I asked Jackson if he uploaded the video onto drive, but he said no, and that we weren’t doing an imovie.  I did not agree with him, and that we SHOULD do an imovie. But since he didn’t upload the video onto drive, we couldn’t do it now. He said we didn’t have to do an imovie, and just show the video separately. 

Rube Goldberg #4

We didn’t get to meet up for the forth time, sadly. Jackson and I worked in class to try and make an imovie for our bloopers, and our working project and the video explaining what the steps are. It turns out that we couldn’t upload a youtube video into drive. :\.  So we couldn’t make the imovie in class. Our computer teacher, Mr.Casal, said that Jackson, or whoever had the original video, had to upload it onto drive. So Jackson was going to do that, so we could make the imovie.

Rube Goldberg Meet Up #3

On our last meet up, we mostly just made videos. But at the start, we had someone shoot a rubber band gun at the marble to push it down the tube. But then Jackson’s mom said we should have someone kick another person in the butt, which would “activate” the shooting person. But Jackson kept failing at shooting the marble. So we just made up the “Poker 2000.” And we had “Yohan Goravich” (a.k.a Ben Yacoub) Who made the “Poker 2000” (a.k.a Jackson Fielding) poke the marble into the tube.

Rube Goldberg Meet Up #2

Today we added an eight ft tube at the start that drops a ball into a funnel that falls into the marble run. So now we have at least 7 steps, but I still want too add more to it because we have so much more time. Ben Y agreed with me and said that we should add more. I wanted to have a coat hanger kind of zipline on some string, which could knock the marble into the tube.  We still have about 2 weeks left finish, so I hope we’re going to add more.

Rube Goldberg project meet up #1

On our first meet up, we took a long time to think of our task. We finally came up with popping a balloon with a needle taped onto a car. Jackson’s parents told us to work backwards. So we came up with this. We drop a marble into a marble run, which knocks down dominoes and pushes a toy skateboard  that knocks into more dominoes, which pushes a yo-yo that falls onto a trigger that launches the car, popping the balloon. But we are going to add more to it.