Adobe Spark – CU Argentina

This is my country Argentina. We had to go on databases and look for stuff to write down into our script. We wrote it down. The databases that we used where Pebble Go, World Book Kids and a lot more. It took us a long time. We had to write a script and what we were going to say for our country. We made a Adobe Spark Video we had to add pictures and talk. This took us a couple weeks to do. This was a challenging project to do because the research was hard.

Maglev Train

Maglev Train day #1

My group started the bottom of our train with two long strip magnets one on each side. The top of our track was both facing north. Also on the bottom of the train car we put two short magnets one on each side. The top of the magnets on the train car were also facing north. So that when we put the car on top of the track it will levitate. It levitates because when like poles are facing each other they repel.

Then we had to put a cup with marbles on top of our car. But our car sank down. Then I remembered if you put more magnets on the bottom the magnet on the top will get taller. So we put two more magnets on each side so that there was three long strip magnets on the track and the top raised up to normal.

But there was still one more problem. The problem was that the cup with the marbles kept sliding to the sides and made it stick to the track. So I put on a disc magnet on the cup and the car.

What I learned about the EDP is you can not just snap and you get it right you have to try and if you do not get it on the first time so keep trying. What I learned about Maglev train was that you can not put 7 magnets on one side and 1 on the other side because it will not balanced.

My first design had strip magnets.



Hershy park

Once I went to Hershey Park.It took three hours to get there.After we got there we got food to eat.We had pizza and pasta.”that pizza smells good!” I said.

Then we went on the bumper cars.We hit everybody.It was really fun.

Second we went on a lot of roller coasters.Some of them I could not go on because I was not tall enough.But I still got to go on a lot of roller coasters.

I won so many video games.I won a lot of tickets and I also won a jackpot.

Later  we went to the hotel.Finally,it was time for bed.After a couple more days days it was time to go home.I was sad.

Finally we went home.It was 7:30 pm when we got home.Then I asked my dad to buy me some water he said “ok”.

“I hope we can go back” I told my mom and dad.

My mom said “ok”.I was happy.

When we got home we started to unpack our bags.After I unpacked I helped my mom and dad unpack.

Later we played a game called Prez.

I asked my dad to hang out with me in my bed.He said “ok”.We talked about Hershey Park and when I won a jackpot.I also won 1,000 tickets “lets go”I said.I won a lot of prizes. We also talked about when we hit everybody in bumper cars.When we hit everybody they also hit us.And when they hit us I got a headache.

Thank you for taking me to Hershey Park I told my dad. Then my dad said it was time for bed.After he put me to bed it took me half an hour to fall asleep.THE END     

Welcome to my blog

This is the start of my third grade year! I am going to to write longer stories this year.

I want my stories to be 4 pages long. I love writing. This year I am also going to read harder. Reading is my favorite subject.

I am starting to read Harry Potter. I am also going to be a better athlete. I love basketball. I also like baseball.   

My favorite book is Harry Potter and Diary of a wimpy kid.