Hello World!

Hello World!


My name is Logan. I have 2 older siblings who are twins, and are in 7th grade.  I like sports, food, and vacations. These are some things that I’m going to blog about.

The sports I like are soccer and a little basketball. Soccer is a sport that is can really be intense, fun, and exciting, which really makes me happy. One time when I was playing soccer we were playing in a tournament and we were in the finals. Our opponents had a penalty shot and I was the goalkeeper, (I felt like I had a  lot of pressure on me because…) A few seconds later, the player on the other team struck  the ball at me and I started to shuffle to the sides when I noticed the ball was curving to the middle of the goal. I dove and the ball was caught between my legs! The final score of the game was 1-0, us. That day I didn’t care if we lost or won because everyone was just beginning their season. So basically  the tournament was just to get us back on track. Basketball is just ish for me –  it’s not too bad. I don’t know, it’s just really fun sometimes and it is actually a good sport…but I like soccer more.    


My favorite foods are sushi, rice, and Chinese food. Basically.  most foods I eat are really good, but some are just not my favorite foods to eat.


Vacations a great time to spend time with your family and friends. You can explore places and do exciting things together. You can also do things you can’t do where you live!For example when I was in Costa Rica there was a big lizard on a tree which you won’t see in America, because lizards would only be seen in a cage or box. In Costa Rica they were wild life not pets. What’s your favorite place to go for vacation?


I hope you enjoy my blogs! Also if you have questions I would be pleased to answer them. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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