Blog Post #4 – The KGB Museum of Russian Spies!

During the site visit I chose to visit a significant part of the Cold War, the USSR spy agency the KGB, Committee  for States security or in Russian  Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности. It was established in March 13 1954 originally by Russia. Because Russia joined the Soviet Union the Soviets new spy agency was the KGB of Russia. 

I honestly consumed lots of information from the visit. Not only about spies but also about the USSR and their tyrant, Joseph Stalin. Although it wasn’t the most ideal for my topic, it was honestly still useful. There was actual artifacts such as the killer umbrella which had an attachment of a ‘gun’ in the umbrella so it made it hideous. It shot a poisonous ball that will sting you like a mosquito harmlessly, but after a few days you were supposed to get a high fever and die. That was what happened to Georgi Markov a anti – communism activist. Anyways I was shown some real life experiences such as chaining me up on a KGB torture chair, physically. I was also shown the agony of prisoners who were locked in a Russian museum.

Anyways, I was interested in the stuff they were talking about and it really captivating.


2 thoughts on “Blog Post #4 – The KGB Museum of Russian Spies!”

  1. This is really good. It has a lot of detail, which helped me picture the place and your experiance. One thing though, in the body paragraph, it says, “I honesty” and I think you meant “I honestly”.

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