Rube Goldberg Reflection #1

Hi, today I will be telling you about my Rube Goldberg project. This project is something that is made with enough force to push one thing to another.  There were a lot of things challenging me over this process but the most frustrating was setting up blocks and making sure that it could curve enough.

The process was really hard because at first, I thought everything would go to plan. But on second thought I saw that I would have to change my steps like instead of using keva planks to turn the marble around you would have to figure out a scientific way to do it. and make sure that the process would work and my steps would go through each step once having 8 steps in total was very hard to do. The first sketch was really hard because I knew what my ultimate task was but I did not know what was in between to make the machine work. Testing the machine was really difficult because you had to be ruthless and make sure you could be beaten and your project could not work, but you have to keep going.

Another hard thing was getting materials. We did not have many materials in our house so we had to wait a week to get the materials I needed.  Once I got the materials I could make my Rube Goldberg!

Overall I thought this project was hard with all of the steps and different machines going ad transforming nothing into something, and the energy is transformed. This project was fun too though because you got to use a lot of materials you wouldn’t normally use.


Feature Article Reflection

Hi, I’m Logan, and today I will be telling you about my Awesome experience with my Feature Article. The first thing I had to do was come up with a topic. I was debating between a couple of topics. The ones in the running were Dogs, The Myth of Christmas, Cooking, and Baking, or Soccer. Overall I thought I had an easy decision but when I thought about it more and more the harder it got. I chose Soccer because it was my favorite sport and I knew a lot about it. So now that was done my next step was choosing my message!

Choosing the message was my least favorite part of the unit. Because there was so little I could think about that could get 3-6 categories. It was like picking a needle in a haystack and I kept finding little needles but not the big one I needed. Finally, I found the message I wanted to choose. It was how Soccer evolved. I tried that out and it seemed to fit in perfectly like a puzzle piece. So now that was done I had some other steps.


After I drafted my article, I spent a lot of time revising it to make it better.  I think I included examples very well in my piece of work. I believe that if someone would read my article they would get it and be very happy because they found an article that explains soccer and other facts and myths you might not have heard of. So I felt like I did that well but another thing I did well was being of making the reader get into my article and make them read more by my lead and pulling sentinces and the beginning like Well get ready to hear some of the best Soccer feedback in the world! 

I liked formatting because I already had a lot of ideas for pictures, diagrams, and words to know. So when Ms. Cooper said we had to do it. I was all ears and of to the races. I had to make sure that people understood what I was trying to say and what my message was so I put captions underneath the pictures trying to show what I was talking about. I also liked formatting because I got to include some of my friends to help me change stuff that did not seem right

Overall I was very proud of my article and I can not wait to do this again.

Personal Narrative Reflection


Super Soccer Day was one of my favorite personal narratives I have ever done.  

For me, editing and revising was one of my least favorite parts of this process because it takes a lot of time to make sure everything is spelled correctly and punctuation is in the correct place.  I really enjoyed using Google docs because it helped me spell words correctly and that all the grammar was correct.