Final Cpastone Blog Post

Do you ever wonder how interior designers plan home interiors to be more environmentally friendly and what different types of materials are available to them? This is my main inquiry question for my Capstone project. To answer this question I had to think about what materials are available to interior designers that are Environmentally Friendly. I also had to think about What they changed to make the interior Environmentally Friendly if the interior before was not. I learned that there are many materials that are available to them, how to make an Environmentally Friendly interior, and what you can do to help out on your own.

I loved Eco-Friendly or Environmentally-Friendly interiors so much, I decided to do my capstone project on it! The process of my Capstone project was nice and steady. I would say that the hardest part was finding resources for information. Surprisingly though finding images for my TED Talk wasn’t that hard.

So what materials are available to interior designers that are Environmentally Friendly? You might be wondering this question. And the answer is that there are so many that I wouldn’t be able to fit it in this essay. But, some examples are LED Light Bulbs And Light Strips, Non-Synthetic Carpets, Non-Toxic Paint, and Reclaimed Wood.

How do they change to an Environmentally Friendly Interior if the interior was not Eco-Friendly before? you might ask this question, and I have an answer. Well, first, interior designers will change all of the things that are not Eco-Friendly that they want to get rid of. Then they will pick out the Eco-friendly products/materials they want to use. Then last, they put them and/or use them in the house interior!

So let’s find out how you can help! You can start off by recycling glass, paper, and plastic to make the earth a little bit cleaner. You can even use some Environmentally Friendly products/materials In your own House interior!

In conclusion, these are some materials that interior designers use to make an Eco-Friendly interior, How interior designers even make an Eco-Friendly interior, and what you can do to help out the planet!

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