January 27

Tag Sale Time!

On February 24th-25th my school is doing a tag sale at Saint James The Less Church in Scarsdale. We are collecting donations and selling them for low prices to raise money for kids who can’t afford summer camp. My school has done this for a couple of years and it will continue today. These kids are right down the street to my school. My school has also raised money for other things like safe passage. My class also has an organization called 33 Birds I hope you can come or donate to help this poor kids!

If you have done a fundraiser comment.


News 12 video of last year : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soKhNGcKEkM

If you want to help contact :dbescaon@scarsdaleschools.org


Are charity site:http://www.33birds.org/


January 26

Apple is in Trouble

Apple is now being sued for an IPhone 6 commercial from 2015. The commercial contains a sample of the song Good Times   a track by Jamie xx.  The band is not complaining about copyright; they’re complaining about “right of publicity.”

Since their voice is  “prominent and recognizable” it tricks people into “falsely believing that Lawson endorsed Apple and the iPhone and / or that Lawson consented to the use of his voice to advertise Apple’s products.”

Six months after the commercial was aired apple said they made a mistake. Know every time it’s played the band  get paid.


See Commercial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yllzUsSxSAI




January 16

6 word stories

In school we went on a field trip to Ellis island and before we studied 6 words stories. I made some from my trip, hear they are:


As we as come, they watch








For every family, a diese spreads









Three ways, with one we’ll go?









The pain is with it all.









Where here, now were trapped again.








Marring a stranger just to live.








There’s hope, but not for us.








So many people, only one me.







Some many come, very few stay.









Finally we are free at last








I’ll come, you shall not be alone









Will I stay, will I go?