May 26

Capstone#1 What To Do, What To Do???


Like my school and even my whole town, I have been doing a capstone project. I am coming to the end of my capstone research and I wanted to share my process. I will be doing this over the course of 3-4 posts. Here is number one.

I wanted to do something that would be fun and interesting. I limited it down to two options. One is the Westchester food bank because my temple works with them. My second option was Samsung because my uncle works there. I finally made the decision of The Westchester Food Bank.

After this, I started to find sources. The first thing I did was go to the food bank’s website. I found out that they were part of a bigger organization called Feeding America. I then found something called Map the Meal Gap on the Feeding America website. It is a map that you can click on any county any state and it will show you many things such as,  the number op people hunger in that area, the average meal cost, and how much money would need to feed everyone how is hungry. This was probably one of the most helpful resources I have used.

To wrap the first part in my capstone overview I would say that finding resources was not that hard for me. I’d say on a scale of one to ten it would be a 9.7.

Make sure you come bank over the next week to find out more about my capstone research.

Thigs I mentioned: Westchester Food Bank, Feeding America, Map the Meal Gap