Author Archives: kbhalja27

Maglev Reflection

By: Kabir    

Members: Peyton,Kyle,Eden

We taped 5 long strip magnets to the track we put the magnets horizontally. For the car we cut a short strip magnet into 4 pieces and put them in the corners and put another short strip magnet in the middle of the styrofoam train.

We faced the problem that the train and the track where not a mirror image so we had to change both of them to make them a mirror image so the car floated higher.

Our final design was two long strip magnets in the corners for the maglev track and for the car we had two short.

A feeling that I felt was frustrated because the train and the track weren’t working. It was not working and when it  finally worked excited and very happy when it was done.


Always be Grateful

Always Be Grateful                                                                                     

I am grateful for my family because they take me places, they sign me up for events and they help me.

My first reason I am grateful for my family is because they take me places. For instance, my family drives me to birthday parties and events.

My second reason I am grateful for my family is because they sign me up for things.  For example, my mom signs me up for things like the school play.

Last but not least, I am grateful for my family because they help me. In particular, when I am having trouble with math in school they practice with me.

To conclude, I basically can’t do anything without my family.   

–Kabir November 2017


In third grade we have our own wing. In the wing the classes are Mrs. Knopp, Mrs. Devlin, Mrs. Badurski, and Mrs. Cohn. There are also two other classes which are Dr. Palladino and Mrs. Malley. There are 6 classrooms in all. Another thing that is new is that sometimes we have a ten minute break from working. During that break we can run around outside. Also we do harder math like mental math and rounding. We are also using new math websites. My favorite math website is Fun for the Brain. Wow! Third grade is fun!


In the class Mr Calvert came and  he said we were going to get are very own chromebooks! I was really excited. I had so many questions. I wondered what we were going to do with them. Unfortunately we could only could use them for school work. And if we broke the rules of the AUP our chrome books privileges would be taken away. It is going to be a fun year !