Author Archives: pschwadron27

Final Maglev Reflection

By:Peyton schwadron

Group members: Eden, Kyle, Kabir

Our first design for our track was five strip magnets and two ring magnets. We put the ring magnets on the sides off the track. One of the ring magnets attracted the car the other repealed the car. All the magnets were horizontal so we hoped the car would go across.

One problem we faced was that our car was not floating high enough so we couldn’t get it across the track.The way we solved our problem was that we had to adjust the magnets and make the magnets on the track and on the car matching so it would float higher and go across the track.

Our final design was four strip magnets.Two small strip magnets were for the car and two bigger strip magnets were for the track. All of the magnets are horizontal so the car would go across.

When we were building the car and track I felt frustrated because we couldn’t get the car to float high enough so it didn’t go across the track. I also felt kind of happy because when we were done we got it to float really high and got a lot of marbles in the cup.