Tag Archives: playground


This year in third grade we are using a different playground. This playground is new to me. It is very fun even though the old playground did have more equipment than the new one. There is also a big field. I like to play a game with my friends  that is a combination of soccer and football. I really like the new playground.    

This is the playground that we use this year for recess.



New playground

In third grade you get to play on a new playground. It is smaller than the one in kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade, but has cooler stuff to do. For example you get to play on a field. There is a  little cylinder to practice running on. Furthermore there is a tiny rock wall you get to climb on. There is also a climber that is like a rock wall but it has handles. I like to do the twisty slide that is my favorite. A couple of days ago there was a big traffic jam on the slide. I got kicked in the face by accident, but I’m ok now.

A picture of the third grade playground.

Our New Playground

This year in third grade we have a new playground. Now we are at the front playground and last year we were at the back playground. The front playground is for third through fifth grades. The difference between the back playground and the front is that the front playground has more stuff like bigger swings and a taller playground for older kids. We have a bigger field than last year because we are taller & older. We also have more pavement room and more box ball courts. Box ball is a fun game that the ace number four gets to serve and then he hits it to number one, two, or three. The ace can call poison ivy, bus stop, or popcorn depending what they want to chose.

People playing on the playground playing


QRS Playground

In third grade we go on a different playground than last year. This year the fields are bigger then last year.We also go out with the fourth graders. At  recess I like to play football with my friends. This is fun because I like to  run at recess. My favorite sport is football at recess. Every class in  third grade has a colored  ball bag for recess so we can play.

This is a picture of the field I play on.


Third Grade!!!

In third grade we have our own wing-it is so cool. We have a new water filter and we go to a new playground. It is smaller but I still have fun.  I really like third grade because I have a really nice teacher. Also we have our own chrome book and we do not share it. In the cafeteria we sit on the other side than last year.  There is so much stuff to do in third grade. Also we have a new hallway all to ourselves. There are four teachers in third grade. one of the things I like to do is go to recess. Third Grade is so much fun. I love third grade. It is my favorite grade in school for now. It is so much fun in third grade.


Recess on the new playground is so much fun. We play with the 4th graders. The playground is different because there is more space. My favorite thing about recess is box ball, two way box ball and the wheel you spin on. Two way box ball is box ball except there is no bus stop or poison ivy and only two people can play. Last year I wasn’t that into box ball and two way box ball but now I am. I like this playground better because there are a lot of stuff to do on the new playground. I love recess!!!

This is a picture of me standing next to the playground.



      This year for recess we have a different playground. It is at the side of the school and it’s bigger than the playground last year. Every kid in this school that is in third grade is going to play on this playground. Fourth and fifth graders play on this playground too. This playground even has a giant soccer field and a field for football. On the blacktop there are five box ball courts and five skip scotch courses. Our p.e. teacher Mr. Brown gave each class a sack of balls. The sacks all have different colors because if a ball gets lost you would know whose ball it was, our class got a green sack.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Third Grade!


This year i’m in third grade. There are so many new things in third grade. There is a new playground too. In the lower grades we had a smaller playground now the fields are so much bigger and the black top is so much bigger so we’re really happy. Now we have our own hallway it’s so much quieter. In the cafeteria there’s not one garbage can there’s six! We finally changed tables and the lines move faster so now we get our food faster. We even get our own computers for three years: third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade! In third grade we have music and instrumental music.









Every day at 12:15 our class, 3K/V, goes out to recess for 30 minutes. Sometimes we also go outside at 10:00 for 10 minutes if we have time and we have to earn it. Recess is a fun activity that we get to go outside to play and enjoy the fresh air. We play on the playground at school. My friends and I play infection tag and we think it’s really fun. Infection tag is a game where there is one tagger and when he tags someone the person that he tagged is it with him. The last person to be it is the winner and the tagger next round. Before the game starts the tagger needs to count to ten or else it would be so easy for the tagger. I love recess!