Author Archives: mwald27

Maglev Train

 Final Design Process Reflection

By: Milo

Group members: Jordan, and Dylan


The materials our group used at first was two long strip magnets, masking tape, 4 north and south magnets, and two short strip magnets. Our groups first design was putting about two layers of long strip magnets layed down on the bottom of the track on the right and left side. On the train we put two short strip magnets on the bottom of the train.

The first problem we had was the train was not levitating high enough. Our groups solution was putting five long strip magnets on each side of the track. When we tried it again it held 55 marbles.                                                                                                                                                                       

Our last design was putting about seven layers of long strip magnets on each side of the track. On the train car we put two short strip magnets one on each side.

I felt nervous, and happy. I felt nervous when it was our turn to show how strong are train was by putting marbles in the cup that was taped to the top of the cup. I felt happy when our car was able to hold 82 magnets.


I am grateful for my mom because she cares about me, she takes care of me, and she keeps me company.

The first reason I am grateful for my mom is because she cares about me. For example, she gives me snacks and she gives me three meals everyday.

The second reason I am grateful for my mom is because she takes care of me. For example, she tucks me in bed every night.

The final reason I am grateful for my mom is because she keeps me company. For example, she sits with me when I have breakfast.

In conclusion, I am mostly grateful for my mom because she gives me lots of love. 

–Milo Wald November 2017


      This year for recess we have a different playground. It is at the side of the school and it’s bigger than the playground last year. Every kid in this school that is in third grade is going to play on this playground. Fourth and fifth graders play on this playground too. This playground even has a giant soccer field and a field for football. On the blacktop there are five box ball courts and five skip scotch courses. Our p.e. teacher Mr. Brown gave each class a sack of balls. The sacks all have different colors because if a ball gets lost you would know whose ball it was, our class got a green sack.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

QRS Garden

In gardening we already picked a squash that did not taste like anything. Also the cucumber  was hard to pick but it did taste good. We picked a carrot that was really good. After we picked them we ate the food. The squash was yellow, the cucumber was green, and the carrot was orange.

We just picked a squash from the Qrs garden