Summary of October ogre

This is my summary of October ogre. I learned that we only need to right the main part of the summary. I really hope you in joy  my summary a lot! Thank you. Mrs. DeGrazia my teacher, is the one who taught me all of this wonderful work!


Nate, Lucy, Brian, and Bradley are trick or treating for Halloween. They go to the Shangri La hotel, except… it’s haunted! They fallow some kids inside but once Nate, Lucy, Brian, and Bradley catch up the other kids are missing! It is dark and misty but they come across glowing foot prints and fallow them! It lead them to a big ogre head with a basket of candy inside it. If someone takes a candy out of the basket they go missing! Lucy thinks maybe the kids went missing by taking a  candy out of the basket and fall in a trap door in the ground! They tested it out. They were right! They fell in the trap door and landed on a couch. There was a party down there with all the children too! They learned, don’t juge something by its cover!