Capstone- The Maldives Blog Post #2

I am working on a very important project called Capstone this year. I have wrote a blog stating it was also a very important project, but this is the most important. Before leaving 5th grade, every year the 5th graders do a Capstone project. It is the most important project done all year, and it is based on a passionate topic, putting the most effort into it. Capstone is researching on basically anything, I chose the Maldives. From notes and interviews I’ll make a presentaion on it, TED talk, or a video. Working on my Capstone has improved, and so far so well other than some small things. Maybe, one thing though is a problem. Anyway, research is done, I’m pretty confident, and I have many notes, but I am really worried about something.

My interview is what I’m a little worried about. It’s been weeks, and all my friends have done theirs. They did theirs many days ago and talks about how they loved their interviewee, how they got so much info, and how it was so fun, while even though I’m in a pretty good place other than that, and still haven’t done an interview which makes me worried. This is giving me a small setback, but I can’t help to do anything anyway. I can’t force the people I tried to get an interview with to respond. So, this is my only and probably biggest problem.

After I asked for help from my mom to find an interview, luckily in a day, my mom found a travel expert who actually was one of her best friends! This is really good because I can go from 0 interviews to 2 if I get a responce from a person Ms. Boyer emailed, or another person my mom found. This is great, and I am much more confident. After not having an interview for a while, I actually thought chosing the Maldives was maybe a bad idea, but I guess it worked out now that I kept trying. Atleast I am passionate about my topic because I had no trouble with researching on a new, but interesting topic.

I chose this topic because I am recenlty really interested in tropical places, especially the Maldives, and I think It is a good idea to do my topic on. I would actually love to be a travel expert now that I think about it when I’m older!

It was really easy thinking of interview questions, after I wrote a few, more came in my mind, and I had 17! I did have to change some though because I wrote them in the beginning and I changed my expert as my interviewee.

Hopefully, I’ll have an interview soon, and I’ll be back on track. I do love my topic, but maybe it isn’t the best topic for finding an expert about it. My main priorities are to schedule an interview, do an interview, start writing my script, and figure out what format I want to do for my presentation.

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