Code Name Verity- BP4

After reading more of the story, which is now in Maddie’s point of view, I can tell you that the story only gets more interesting. She tells of what’s happened to her after the plane crash, and how she hopes to help her friend, Julie.

No other words besides irony can be used to explain how the reader is feeling after reading this. Thibaut, the foreign gestapo officer, whom was one of Julie’s tormentors, turns out to belong to a family who has very different morals and beliefs about this war. He has no idea that the girl that his prisoner is writing about, and as a result his ‘enemy’, sleeps in the same house as him and is given shelter by his own family.

I’m not sure what device you could say this is, but I was utterly shocked at Engel’s actions. Engel was also one of Julie’s overseers, but Maddie writes about how she switched sides and tried to help them rescue Julie. Julie always viewed Engel as one of the ‘bad guys’ in her story who never tried to help, but in the end she did help, by giving the resistance the location of where the prisoners were being moved to.

Another writing device used was different points of view. The author chose to write this story in the first half, Julie’s point of view as a prisoner, and the second half, Maddie’s point of view as an agent. In the scene where Maddie attempts to rescue Julie and her fellow prisoners, it helps the reader’s understanding of the events, to have seen in Julie’s mind and be able to guess at what she’s thinking.

The gestapo realized that the resistance was trying to rescue the prisoners and started shooting them. Soon, Julie was next and knew what would happen. Maddie couldn’t help crying and could tell Julie heard her when she yelled her last words, words she’d written in her point of view, to signal Maddie of what to do. Maddie pulled the trigger and shot her best friend, it was a mercy killing and was all the more powerful because the reader has seen in both character’s heads and known their emotions and stories.

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