Tech Post #2 Evolution of Cameras (continued)

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In 1975, Steven Sasson invented the worlds first digital camera called the Kodak digital camera. It had a CCD sensor and a tape recorder. Although this was the first digital camera, the first digital camera was made in 1991 priced at $13,000.

A camera that people still use today called the Fuji QuickSnap camera. It could only take 27 photos at a time and was priced at $4. However after you took 24 pictures it had no use and it would be disposable.

In 2000 came the flip phone. This was so much better than cameras because not only was it much smaller and could take pictures, but you were able to text and call on them. This was fantastic and things still got better.

In the great year of 2007 came the Apple IPhone. This was the best of all. Now we even have an iPhone 11! The IPhone is able to text, call, take pictures and more. Since then there have been many more camera developments like the GoPro and Cannon Cameras. Although there are more cameras I hope you learned a lot about the ones I did write about.






Tech Post #1 Evolution of the Camera

Welcome back to my blog!

Today you see something that you want to take a picture of, take your phone out your pocket and just easily take a picture. That’s not how it’s always been, the first camera ever made was actually made in 1500. It was called the Pinhole Camera. It just emphasized light and shadows. This camera was made by a Chinese Philosopher.

339 years later a camera called the Daguerreotype Camera was created. This camera was actually able the store the image unlike the Pinhole Camera. It was made by the French artist names Louis Daguerre.

In 1900 the Reise Camera was invented. Carrying around bulky cameras was tough. This camera was the first portable camera. It would fold up in a way that would be easier to carry. This camera changed everything.

Since my sister is a photographer I have seen the Leica I camera. It was made in 1925 by Ernst Leist senior. “Leica I was the first compact camera that packed a superb f/3.5 lens and was able to shoot photos on 35mm films“ –

In 1947 cameras were everywhere. Everyone had them. The Polaroid company that you may of heard of today created the Polaroid Model 95. On this camera you wouldn’t have to go develop the photos like any other camera, the camera printed out the picture instantly like the Polaroid Instax camera that we have today.







My Podcast

In my class at school we had to make podcasts. Our podcast could be about anything and there were no limits. This made it hard for me to decide. I wanted to do something general so I came to a conclusion and decided to do my podcast about school safety. School safety might seem a little boring at first if your a child like me, but once I started researching it, it was actually very interesting. You might be wondering where our podcasts will be useful and I have an answer for that. We are going to submit our podcast in a competition on NPR for a chance to get them on the radio. After many weeks of researching, interviewing recording, and more I think my podcast is the best it can be.