June 18

Technology blog post #7 (project #5)

This week we did a project so we could do an experiment on electrons and protons and neutrons which we learned about this week. I learned that the protons, neutrons, and ele turns, are in something called a nucleus and the protons and neutrons are in the middle of the nucleus, the electrons are on the border of the nucleus. we also learned that a negative charge (electrons) and another negative charge do not like each other. So electrons try to stay as far away from each other as they can. So for this project we used a clear glass, cardboard, tape, tin foil, and a big paper clip. To make this project we cut the cardboard out into a circle the size of the rim of the glass, and cut that circle about halfway. Then we stretched out a paper clip and slid that into the cut circle then we make the end of the paper clip a hook. After that we fold a sheet of tinfoil and cut a raindrop shape out of it and we put the two raindrops on the hook. After that we tape the cardboard circle to the glass. Then we experiment, We take a sweater or felt and take a balloon, or staticky ball and rub it on the sweater, or felt and take the ball, or balloon and rub it on the outside of the glass close to the paper clip and the raindrops are supposed to move.  Here is the project I made

Posted June 18, 2020 by sgoodman26 in category Uncategorized

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