My Audition!!

I was shaking so much! It was my first big audition! I was auditioning for a play done by Random Farms for the first time. When I saw the door swing open and the director call everyone to audition, I nearly feel off my chair! My mom said goodbye to me, but I didn’t want her to leave me here with these new people. I just smiled, and tried to be brave all by myself. I lined up and with all the other kids auditioning and the director took attendance. Finally it was my turn to say my name. I looked up into her gleaming eyes, and said in a shaky voice, “Samantha.” She looked down into my eyes and we made eye contact. She smiled and said “Well hello Samantha. Go and take a seat inside.” I quickly went inside and saw kids getting their pictures taken. Not too long after it was my turn to get my picture taken. It was very hard to smile at a time like this, but I managed to anyway. After that I took a seat, and not too long after that I hear the director call, “Samantha!” I looked up and saw it  was my time to audition! I walked up to the line where the director wanted me to stand. I then heard the music start, and I finally found my mouth and sang the first note of the song perfectly.

By Samantha.

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