My Expert Book

My Expert Book is all about a sport not many people know about. The title of the book is “Synchronized Ice-Skating.” I really enjoyed writing my expert book, and finding all the pictures that are in my book. I thought that thinking of all the captions was hard. In this book you will learn all about a new sport. I hope you enjoy reading my book!

Thanks for reading!

6 thoughts on “My Expert Book

  1. Awesome job! I loved learning all about synchronized skating. I really didn’t know how involved this was! Great job!

  2. Sofia, your presentation is very informative. It is very thorough and clear. It gives readers the opportunity to know about a sport that not many people know about. Specially, all the details that you provide and examples helps to get a good understanding of this amazing sport that you do. Excellent, job, Sofia!! From Mom

  3. Great job, Sofia! I learned so much in story. I didn’t know you practiced your moves off the ice first! I am so impressed at your writing, and your attitude towards ice skating! Great job! – Alex East

  4. Excellent job Sofia! I love your explanation on the whole process of how ice skating competitions work. I learned many new things from this. I did not know that boys wear black ice skates. I also learned that you practice new moves on land before ice. That makes it much safer! Thank you for explaining your passion to me. I really enjoyed it! Love, Jodi Meyerson

  5. Sofia- this was very well written and i learned alot about ice skating. It sounds like very hard work. You should be proud of your expert book and of your skating. Elana (Serena mom)

  6. This book was very detailed and it was a very good book. it told me alot about ice skating. love Serena

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