Isaac Newton Biography

Isaac Newton was born in 1643, Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, England. As a kid Newton loved to have fun and play games. When Newton was 17 and studying at school, his mom took him home to learn the farming trade. Luckily the headmaster convinced Newton’s mom to let him stay. After finishing with high grades he enrolled at Trinity college at the University of Cambridge. He studied there for four years. The school shut down in 1665 because of an outbreak of plague.  After he got his degree he went home to continue studying.


After 7 years of researching, Newton discovered gravity and the forces of motion. He published them to the world in 1687. He was 44 years old when he published all of his research. While Newton researched he realized that everything went down rather than up (gravity). This particular fact got Newton very interested in his research. Overall Isaac Newton lived his life to the fullest. Newton solved one of the worlds hardest questions. Without Newton the world would be an even bigger mystery.

To learn more go to…

Sincerely, Sabrina

Bye Bye Plastic Bags

The “Book of the Month”, One Plastic Bag, by Miranda Paul  was very inspiring because the book talked about how one island named Bali was so polluted with plastic bags. A woman named Isatou Ceesay started to reuse the plastic and make them into purses. After time things cleared up for Bali. Now Bali is clear.

The 3rd grade also watched a “Ted Talk” with two sisters named Melati and Isabel Wijsen who started a campaign team about getting rid of plastic bags in Bali. These sisters couldn’t be stopped from getting rid of plastic bags. This was their home and they weren’t going to let it become a wasteland. These sisters actually made a difference for their home.