How I Transferred Energy This Weekend

This weekend I used a lot of energy. One specific time that I transferred energy was when I put my hair into a bun. The energy was transferred from me to the elastic in my hairband. The elastic went from potential energy, stored energy, to kinetic energy, moving energy, back to potential. This type of energy is called elastic energy and is mainly from elastics and stretchy things.

Sincerely, Sabrina







Science: Energy

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work. Think about one way energy is used on a normal day, for instance, you might not realize it, but when you are eating breakfast you are using energy. I can’t wait to learn more about energy!

Sincerely, Sabrina


Science – Getting Messy

Today in science we finally got to conduct experiments about mixtures and solutions. We had three experiments to do. First we mixed colored sugar with oil. 

In order to do this we had to mix food dye with sugar. We measured 4 teaspoons of sugar with three drop of pink food dye. The food dye mixed in with sugar very easily, but we did need to press it against the sugar at the beginning. Once we made our sugar we wrote our hypothesis. Our hypothesis was if we mix one teaspoon of sugar and oil then it will gradually dissolve and maybe color the oil. Once we conducted the experiment we learned that our hypothesis was wrong. The sugar mostly went to the bottom leaving a thin layer at the top and the oil was in the middle. The oil kept it’s original form and didn’t change when mixed with the sugar. In this solution the sugar was the solute and the oil was the solvent.

Our next experiment to conduct was mixing one teaspoon of sugar with water. Our hypothesis was, if we combine one teaspoon of sugar with water than the sugar will dissolve in the water and the water will change color. When we tested this experiment we learned that our hypothesis was right. The sugar started to dissolve in the water soon after we combined them. We left this solution for an hour and when we came back the sugar was completely dissolved. The water also turned pink, just as we thought. In this solution the sugar was solute and the water was the solvent.

Our final experiment to conduct was adding one teaspoon of sugar with vinegar. Our hypothesis was, if we add one teaspoon of sugar to vinegar then the sugar will partially dissolve and color the vinegar. We then confirmed our hypothesis, the sugar partially dissolved and colored the water. In this solution the sugar was the solute and the vinegar was the solvent.

Overall these science experiments were really fun and I learned a lot!

Science Centers

In class we are working on science centers. In these groups we do both experiments and written work. In the past two days my group has been doing work on mixtures, solutions, and compounds. 

First we read about mixtures. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances. In a mixture, each substance maintains it’s physical properties. Next we read about solutions, a solution is a type of mixture in which one substance dissolves in the other. Finally we read about compounds, a compound has molecules with atoms of different elements. Compounds cannot be separated and you can’t see the individual elements each atom is made of.

Once we had read we started the stations. We started with the station create it. In that station we had a cup of beads that we had to separate into piles by color and identify the property’s of the beads. We noticed that the beads were hard, small, multi-colored and square. Next we had to make a mixture of the colored beads and see if the property’s change. We noticed that the property’s of the beads didn’t change.

The next station we did was sort it. In that station we had different elements and we had to sort them into solutions, mixtures and compounds. Under mixtures we had sand and water, sand and iron filing, and salad. Under the solution pile we had, soda, sugar and water and air. Under the compound pile we had table salt, baking soda and water.

The next station we did was match it. In this station we had to match the words to their definition. The definition of physical property’s is a characteristic of matter. The definition of solvent is the substance that dissolves in another substance to to make a solution. The definition of solute is the substance in a solution that there is more of. The definition of dissolve is to break down into smaller pieces until it is invisible.

The final station we did was explain it. At this station we looked at a lemonade recipe and we wrote our observations. Next we wrote a response. In my response I wrote, I learned that sugar is the solvent and hot water is the solute. I wonder if you didn’t mix the solution how long would it take for the sugar to dissolve in the hot water?

Overall this science lesson was really fun. My favorite station was create it with the beads. I can’t wait for another science activity!

Sincerely, Sabrina

Rube Goldberg #6

Today in school me and my group finished our video and shared it with our class. When we saw other peoples we realized that what we had done was a little different than a lot of others. Other people showed themselves and they talked all about it, while me and my partners just had the Rube Goldberg and we wrote everything. Overall I am very happy with how the Treat Feeder (it’s final name) turned out!

Here is our final Rube Goldberg… Enjoy!

Rube Goldberg #5

It took three days, but we finally finished building! We had to make many changes and when one difficult part worked another easy part wouldn’t work. It took a while to test, and after a few tries we had to redo some of our steps. Finally on 64th try we got it! Now it is time to start the video!

Sincerely, Sabrina

Rube Goldberg #3

Today was my 3rd get together with my partners. We made a lot of progress, such as completing our sketch, finding all of our materials, and starting to build. When we hand our project in, it will be in a video showing our whole project process and our final product. We have been documenting our work with pictures, videos, and voice memos. So far I am feeling pretty good about our Rube Goldberg.

Sincerely, Sabrina

Rube Goldberg #2

Since my last Rube Goldberg post, me, Alba, and Nicole, have chosen a task, designed, and have found some materials. Our task is to feed a dog. We have sketched our design and I think that it is going to work. We have found some pipes to use and a ramp or two, but we still need to get a peg board and a few other materials. We have been working well together and I can’t wait to start the building!

Sincerely, Sabrina

Rube Goldberg #1

As a group project me and two partners will be creating a Rube Goldberg simple machine that will complete a task.

For my Rube Goldberg me, Alba, and Nicole, are going to think of our task, find materials, and build. We are currently finding different odd materials and thinking of our task. We are thinking of using a catapult in our simple machine. I wonder what we’ll chose…

Sincerely, Sabrina