Rube Goldberg #6

Today in school me and my group finished our video and shared it with our class. When we saw other peoples we realized that what we had done was a little different than a lot of others. Other people showed themselves and they talked all about it, while me and my partners just had the Rube Goldberg and we wrote everything. Overall I am very happy with how the Treat Feeder (it’s final name) turned out!

Here is our final Rube Goldberg… Enjoy!

Rube Goldberg #1

As a group project me and two partners will be creating a Rube Goldberg simple machine that will complete a task.

For my Rube Goldberg me, Alba, and Nicole, are going to think of our task, find materials, and build. We are currently finding different odd materials and thinking of our task. We are thinking of using a catapult in our simple machine. I wonder what we’ll chose…

Sincerely, Sabrina