


Our class was assigned to interview an immigrant. I decided to interview my squash coach Mahmoud Yehia. Mahmood Yehia was born in Alexandria Egypt I wasn’t that close with Mahmoud and I was excited to learn more about him. 

First I needed to come up with a lot of questions. I checked over them and I found a massive problem with a good portion of my questions, all of them are closed-ended questions. The problem with closed-ended questions is that they are a waste of questions. I had to go over all of my questions and changed all of them. I now had to schedule a time to meet with Mahmoud and interview him. 

I talked with Mahmoud and set up a time to interview him. I met him at his squash courts. I asked him about his life, some of my questions were what is your favorite food in America and describe what it was like leaving your family. I learned a lot about Mahmoud. I learned that Mahmoud has a cousin who is a famous singer in Egypt, his show name is Mohamed Mounir. Now that I have all my information I can start the next step of my immigration project. The Next Step of my immigration project is creating a video, that is pretty much a biography of Mahmud Yehia.   in my video I would Say all the answers to my 15 questions to ask and when we met up.   

 Overall I learned a lot about Mahmoud Yehia, I learned so much about him and I’m really really excited to show him my video. 

Feature Article Reflection


Feature Article Reflection


It all started when Ms. Edwards said we would start a new unit. She said the unit would be on feature articles. A few days later we started to pick a topic and research it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, Greek Mythology. 

The reason why I wanted to do that topic is that I am reading Percy Jackson (which includes a lot of Greek mythology.) Whilst we were researching, Ms. Edwards wanted the class to think about what categories you wanted to base your research on. I had no clue what I wanted to base my research on. This was one of my biggest struggles for writing a feature article. I was going through a lot of trial and error. 

Then my friends pitched some ideas. Cayden, Devon, Christian, and Jaba all helped me with coming up with categories. I settled for the categories Mount Olympus, Greek Heroes, Greek Myths, and Ancient Greek stories. We started to create conclusions and an intro. The intro was okay, but my conclusion took me forever! I probably spent two hours on it. For about a week I spent time gathering info and putting it all on a doc.

 What was really hard was that there were barely any good sites where I could gather information. somehow I still managed to wind up with 1000 words of information.

 I could still not believe that I had that much information. After I was done with my research and categories we made a slideshow. That slideshow would be the feature article. We started adding information and formatted the slideshow. We added pictures, graphs, and timelines. Ms. Edwards assigned all of us partners to look over each other’s work and fix any problems they see. Jaba, Devon, Jaden, and Christian. We all checked over each other’s work countless times. Ms.Edwards told us to think of a title and a meaning. I was stuck. I had no clue what I should do for meaning. I thought for meaning I should do “ Greek Mythology has impacted the world we live in today” To be honest I didn’t really like that. I kept on thinking of what my meaning should be but then I settled on my meaning. “Greek Mythology is way more elaborate than you think.” For the title, I did Greek Mythology. Overall, I found this unit really fun even though I hit a lot of tough spots,I managed to get out of them and grow as a writer.  


Narritive Reflection



The Test

Staring at a blank page thinking about what I should write about. “Wait,” thoughts raced through my mind. I knew what to write about, my taekwondo test. I took taekwondo for 4 years. My most memorable moment was the test for my black belt. 

This happened about 2 years ago. Taekwondo was one of my favorite things to do. I loved the thrill of being able to defend myself. 

 While I was in the Incipient of my story it was hard to find a way to improve my story. My first draft was rough. I just could not think of how to emphasize the meaning of the story. I kept on editing and revising. I’ve had so many people look at my narratives such as my friend Christian, Jaden, Devon, Anastasia, and Jaba. They all helped revises and edit my story but that question in my mind pounded like a drum, how do I get the meaning into my story?

It was a sunny Thursday afternoon, my teacher Mrs. Edwards was going over how to get the meaning into your story. I lightbulb sparked into my mind, I set a goal for myself, I typed and typed and typed until I was proud of my work. 

I worked on adding in the show not tell, grammar, punctuation, dialogue, quotation marks, inner-thinking, and getting past writer’s block.

My story has improved so much since when I started. I felt accomplished and complete with my work. I could not believe I finished.

Later that day I showed my parents my narrative, They loved It! I felt so proud of myself. All those hours have paid off I was ready to show off my narrative, The Test. 


Testing electromagnets

Yesterday our science team tinkered around with wires. We  studied how we wrapped the wire  around the bolt and saw if their was a difference in strength. At first I thought their would not be a difference in strength. But when I found out that the more wire flowing through the bolt is creating more energy! I new that the electromagnet would pick up more paperclips. The difference from a temporary magnet you can,t cut the flow of energy an electromagnet you can.

Do all magnets have north and south?


Together with my science group. We tried to make an Electromagnet. We used a bolt,  battery, battery holder, paperclip and an insulated wire. The first step was we had to wrap the wire on the bolt. We had to be careful to not make the wire overlap. We also can’t put the insulated wire on the bolt. Step two now we half to put the the battery in the battery holder. Step three now we half to put the insulated wire in the little slits on the side of the battery holder. Then the bolt should be connected to the battery holder. Step four now your energy is flowing through your wire and onto the bolt then you put paperclip on the floor and put the bolt near the paperclip and that should work.


When Fall rolled around I had a soccer game. I adore soccer. I have been playing soccer for about five years. Soccer is my favorite sport by far. I love soccer because everybody never stops running. Another reason is that it is so worldwide! My team plays Barcelona, Italy, and England and so on at only third grade!

When Dad and I got to the game I sprung out of the car. I scared my dad in the process. I sprinted to the field where the game would be with my dad tagging along.

The gravel cracked as I swerved along the gravel path way. Birds chirped, butterflies flew and after about ten minutes we arrived our field, Holy Child I said goodbye to my dad and we both went our separate ways. I went to my team, laid down my stuff down and started warmups. We did passing and shooting drills. For what felt like ages, then finally Coach Ramzy gave us positions and escorted us onto the field. I started as right defender. I twisted and turned I blocked about 20 goals. There was an injuries few It was already 10 to zero. Our team was sweating a river. We did a lot better in the second half. We let in 3 goals ,at least not 10. There are 9 people on our team, There names are Trevor, Gabrail, Alex, Ethan, Manny, Alex.b, Eli, Jaden, Zachary, Hudsen.

 It  was suddenly 13 to 0. There was only 1 minute left. Alex passed the ball to me.I swerved past many people. I sliced the ball down the field. The goalie leaped to get the ball. His fingertips almost grasped the ball…

GOAL!!!!! I was so happy! That was my first goal the year!