My Book Review (Harry Potter)

My Book Review

The books by J.K Rowling are great because the text is really interesting because there are lots of interesting parts. One of my favorite books is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Firstly, Harry had to go through his 11 years with the Dursleys because his mom and dad had died from Voldemort who is killing many innocent Witches and Wizards, and that is why people are scared of him.

Harry Potter is the one who stopped him from killing any more people, and the reason why Harry Potter didn’t die from this is that his mom also died at the same time when Voldemort had tried to kill Harry, but his mom put a spell on Harry, so he won’t die. If you think that the Harry Potter books sound fun you should start reading the series. But for those who think that it doesn’t feel any fun. I really recommend the Harry Potter series because you will really like it.


Welcome to 5th Grade!

We started school earlier this month and now I’m in fifth grade. Looking back to fourth grade, I didn’t like being online. Not only didn’t we see our friends in person, but we had to look at the screen the whole time which a lot of strain on my eyes. I am happy to be back in school vs online this year but I’m also very nervous. Not only is there Covid, but we are also going into Middle School next year. This makes me nervous because the middle school is much bigger and there will be kids from all the elementary schools there.