Talking About My Interview, Blog Post 2

About two weeks ago, I started the first blog post of my Capstone, from now and then I began to do many things like taking notes, having my interview, and preparing for my interview like making questions to ask my interviewee.


Before my interview, I did many things like picking my topic and taking notes on my topic. I decided to do my topic on Kobe Bryant, my main inquiry question is, What were Kobe Bryant’s significant accomplishments, and what impact did he have on basketball? I started to make my sub-questions and started to do research to answer my sub-questions.


After starting my research, I started to think about who I will interview. At first, I thought that I would be able to interview one of his teammates. I emailed them and later realized that they would think that my email would be spam, I thought about it for some time, then at school, my teacher aid found this guy who wrote a book about Kobe Bryant, and she emailed him, a few minutes later, the guy said that he could let me interview him, this was when I decided to start preparing for my interview like what I would say to him when I meet him, what interview questions I would ask him, and how I would end the interview.


I thought that I should organize my information, so I decided to put all of my information on a Google Site. I started with the general information that people should learn about before they should learn about the more complicated things. When I finished working on the more simple facts, I started to make the more complicated things like Kobe’s career stats, his major accomplishments, his rank in the NBA, his work ethic, how he changed how other people played, and how he changed the game of basketball.


In conclusion, I thought that the Capstone project is very interesting but I’m also nervous to do my presentation at the end of the Capstone project because there will be many people watching me present my topic.

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