Month: November 2019

fixed mindset

Hi my name is Zoe this year my class did an activity on a fixed mindset we had to complete a packet while watching some videos. this project meant a lot to me because I have difficulty with my math but this project helped me overcome that. In the beginning of this year I sat with my friends during math but since they were my friends I kept talking to them and I couldn’t  get any of my math done that brought me to having to do math when I could do many other things like reading or playing fun math games. So I started to sit by myself in the corner but I found I couldn’t do math there but not because of my friends but because I wasn’t comfortable  so my teacher came up with an idea for me to go in  the corner and lie down on a yoga mat and I felt for sure that it wasn’t gonna work but than that day I actually completed my math so I sat there the next day and again I completed my math so I guess this learn storm activity actually worked and I’m glad we did it or else I would have a ton of math to catch up on.

By November 13, 2019.  No Comments on fixed mindset  Uncategorized   

the bees

Zoe k narrative #1 

I was walking back from the party at chase park with my friends and their mom when it happened. We were talking and walking so we didn’t notice anything and we weren’t looking. it was really hot and I was sweating but I didn’t think to mention it because our conversation was really interesting. we got to the parking lot and kept talking  but suddenly my friend screamed and 

her mom said 

“run!”, I looked around and saw yellow. After that it was all panic I was running I felt a sharp pierce


 “ow”I said, then I finally got around the bend my friend came. But her younger sister (who is also my friend)  yelled it”s coming after me so my friend repeated that which made me scared her younger sister then came around the bend so my friend and I started to run again but when we didn’t see a bee we stopped. their mom got around the bend and said


“did anyone get stung?”,

I said “I think I did my back stings near the shoulder”,

 my friend looked at my shoulder and said “there’s a dot I think you did” 

her mom said “that bee came after you”, 

“where did they come from?” I said, my friend told me that they came out of a hole. 


I was amazed because I thought getting stung by a bee would heart more but it didn’t so we started walking home again and this time we didn’t get stopped by bees when we got to my house I went inside and started calling for my mom I heard something come from upstairs so I ran up the steps and into my brothers room I said, “ Do you know where mom is?” I ask he said 


“no but in this house”, so I ran all around the house calling mom. But I didn’t hear her so I went with my friends to their house but when we were crossing the road my mom drove into the driveway. 


“Nate” I muttered. I told her the whole story and especially the part about the bees. so she gave me baking soda mixed with water to put on my sting and then let me go back to my friends house there I played for hours and we had lots of fun we ate and then I had to go home my friends stayed in the doorway and yelled things like 


“ I hope you don’t get stung by a bee tomorrow” after me until I got to my house. When I went inside my mom asked me how my bee sting felt I said 


“fine” so she told me to practice the Violin after 45 minutes of practicing, we ate dinner I told my whole family that I got stung by a bee and then the story. My family was amazed and surprised but my brother said he didn’t believe me. Later I told my mom and she said


“ Nate doesn’t believe you because he’s at the age that if he doesn’t see anything he doesn’t believe anything.” In my head I was saying 

“he doesn’t believe anything even with evidence”. That night in my bed I thought about my life I thought about how when I got stung by a bee I was kind of special but I acted like I was fine so my mom made me practice the violin and I wasn’t special anymore I was regular again so I fell asleep and dreamed that I had not been stung but that I was special. But if I had known I would’ve waited till the next day because something happened that day that would make me special for days…

By November 6, 2019.  No Comments on the bees  Uncategorized