The Andromada Strain (part 2)

In the Andromada Strain the wildfire project has built a massive under ground lab and to get to the actual lab you need to go through 4 levels of decomtaminatin. This shows how dangerous the Andromada Strain is and how serious this is being taken. I also think this because when Dr. Hall was studying the satellite he used an entire air tight suit instead of just gloves.

I think that the Government made the right choice not telling people about the scoop satellites but I am wondering would happen if Dr. Hall choose to use the bomb and how the Government would explain the explosion. In the possible outcomes of using the bomb,  a nuclear war will start. This will add a lot of pressure to Hall if it seams like the only choice is to active the bomb and he might choose not so start a war but then the predicted outcome was 336,000,000 deaths.

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton

I am reading the “”Andromeda Strain” by Michael Chichton. It is a book about a virus that lands on Earth from a probe sent to collect virus from orbit and as soon as it lands it kills 48 people who are all 12 miles away. Then the people who are sent to pick up the probe die in seconds of coming with contact with the strain. This news quickly got to a general and with in two days it had gotten to the president and project wildfire was activated. Project wildfire is top secret plan in the case that a probe collected a deadly virus and it was rapidly speeding that involves recruiting the best biologists in America, building an underground 5 level base and getting a nuclear device that will be activate if the plan fails and the virus gets out.

The Start of 5th Grade!

Hi everyone,

I have never used blogs before and I am not used to using a site like this.

The last 18 months have been awesome, crazy, and surprising. There have also been some big changes like I moved to Scarsdale and started at Heathcote. After my first year at Heathcote, I went to sleep away camp for my first time. It was amazing to go ziplining, camping and kayaking.

I am now in fifth grade and can’t wait to do all the fun and awesome events we do before middle school.

I like to read, talk to my friends, play tennis and swim. I also have read a lot of great books like Eragon and The Martian.