Refugee Questions

These are some of the questions that my class and I asked while we were reading the Refugee by Alan Gantz and these are my answers to these questions.

Why did Hitler hate Jewish people ?

There is not a definite answer to this because he was insane and he wouldn’t tell anyone but people think he was jealous and that he didn’t want people to be different. 

What had Josef’s father experienced in the camps?

Josef’s father had seen people be shot, beat, drowned,  and hung. He also was nearly starved to death. All this and more caused him to go insane because of what he had experienced.

If it weren’t for the refugees, would there be a U.N. after World War II?

There most likely have been a U.N. anyways because all of the world was involved so they all saw how horrible this was and wanted to stop another refugee crisis.


Comparing Smoky Night and Fly Away Home

In both Smoky Night and Fly Away Home the characters are living through very difficult times but they both make friends from the hard times. For example in Smoky night the community seams divided because their cat fought with the Mrs. Kim’s cat and Daniel and Mama don’t buy from Mrs. Kim because Mama says “It’s better to buy from our own people.” But after the fire, they were told that there cats were holding paws and became friends and then saw their cats drinking milk together, Mama invited Mrs. Kim over and introduced each other. Another example is in fly away home Andrew became great friends with Denny because they both live in Chicago Airport and are homeless. They trust each so much that Dad leaves Andrew with Denny and his family every weekend and they decided that if ether of them ever gets a home they can live together.

WTP: Bill of Rights by Adam Lambert

I think that the most important right for a citizen to have in a free country is the right of free press because then if the government is treating the country unfairly the whole country will know and they can rise up if necessary. Also this could lead to other changes through protest and other methods of convincing the government to change and add laws.

 I think that the most important right for a student to have is the right of freedom of speech because they are the next generation and they need to be able to make changes now and in the future without being silenced. 

I think all citizens should have the same rights because then there are no oppressed groups preventing revolution and it would increase the reputation of the country by making other countries feel welcome and this could potentially increase global trade.

The rights that we don’t have that I think we should have are changing the 2nd amendment so that automatic weapons are illegal but hunting rifles that fire darts that can stun at most are allowed and all Military funds are released annually to the public.  I think the Government should release all of there military founds so that the public knows what there money is being used for.

Stronger by Janelle Monae

At the start of the song they are relaxed and a bit weak and then the moment they got to the first stronger they all burst out with energy. I think that this symbolizes getting stronger after being weaker because every time  “and every time you think we get a little weak, we get a little bit stronger!” comes up in the song they were a little weak until they got to stronger.

To me this song means every time the people in power think that the people are a little weaker they would try to take away their liberty but the people get a little stronger in response. I think this because of how much they emphasized parts that talked about being stronger and  they got weaker when they were talking being weaker. They also talked about how they  all are trying to slay the same giant and I think that giant is the people trying to take away their liberty  because nearing the end through the end they talk about liberty and equality and how they need to protect it. I think that the last 2 lines even though they are the same prove this by saying “we don’t want the life with out the liberty.”Stronger (from the Netflix Series “We The People”

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton

I am reading the “”Andromeda Strain” by Michael Chichton. It is a book about a virus that lands on Earth from a probe sent to collect virus from orbit and as soon as it lands it kills 48 people who are all 12 miles away. Then the people who are sent to pick up the probe die in seconds of coming with contact with the strain. This news quickly got to a general and with in two days it had gotten to the president and project wildfire was activated. Project wildfire is top secret plan in the case that a probe collected a deadly virus and it was rapidly speeding that involves recruiting the best biologists in America, building an underground 5 level base and getting a nuclear device that will be activate if the plan fails and the virus gets out.