Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1

At school, we started a project called Rube Goldberg. A Rube Goldberg machine is an overly done machine used to complete a simple task. For our project, we have to create 8 steps which include a transfer of energy like when a ball hits a domino and makes it fall down. For my simple task, I wanted to put a toilet roll into a box.

For my Rube Goldberg project, I had to look at some videos of a Rube Goldberg project to get some inspiration. I got some ideas and then I looked on Amazon. I searched for supplies that I might need for my project. Looking on google and more on Amazon, I found all my things. YouTube, Amazon, and Google were really helpful to find materials and get inspiration.

I had to make a draft on paper after I thought about what I wanted to do. I started drawing and it took around 5 minutes to draft.I had to use at least 3 simple machines. The ones I decided to use are an inclined plane, a screw, and a lever. I needed to label all the steps where the transfer of energy took place as well as the simple machines. But after I looked at it a little closer, I didn’t really know how it would work. I tried building it using things that I found around my house such as toilet paper and cardboard. After a few days, I knew that my drawing of the machine wasn’t going to work. So I completely scrapped that idea and started a new one. After watching some videos on YouTube of Rube Goldberg to see the final project, I finally got a good sketch. It took around a few hours trying to build the first couple of steps. It took a while because my project kept breaking and I had to keep on building it because as I was putting it in the storage room, it dropped. But anyway, I did pretty well on my project so far!

The Rube Goldberg project is a really fun project and I enjoyed building it so far! My favorite part was probably sketching! I’m super excited to see how my project finishes! I hope you enjoyed my blog post!