Capstone Interview

For Capstone, the interview was an important part. We had to find someone who knew a lot about our topic and interview them. They were supposed to be an expert at the topic. This was supposed to help our research and get more info. Even if you didn’t know anyone, you would have to research sites, ask anyone if they knew someone, and write emails to people. But if you knew them then it would probably be easier.

Finding my interview was a bit challenging. I went home and talked to my parents of who I could interview. My mom reccomended someone but I still had to think of it. I was going to ask my family member but it couldn’t help my sub question as she didn’t know much about my topic. But my classmate recommended someone that I could interview. So I had the interview. But after a little editing I changed my sub and main inquiry question. 

  • How has religion influenced Korea throughout its history?
  • What were the first religions in Korea?
  • What are the religions used today?
  • Why did religions change?
  • How did religion influence education?
  • How did religion influence culture???

I thought about interviewing the person that my classmate recommended. But then I went home and I talked to my mom about it. She said that I actually could interview someone that lives with me since I changed my questions. So I decided to go with her.

Coming up with the questions for my interview was quite easy. I had to think of questions that could be easy to answer and I also mostly put the ones that I didn’t have the answer to. Since I had a lot of questions that were not my sub questions, I could ask her! Conducting the interview was interesting. It wasn’t what I expected. It was a long wait before I had to interview her. But that didn’t really matter. It took around 5 minutes and it was a little bit hard for her to understand but I think she got the general idea. The more we got into it, the more she could understand. It was not the information I was really looking for but I got a couple of things that I could use. 

Overall, I think the interview went out of a scale of 1 – 10 a 6/10. I hope you enjoyed my blog post.

Capstone #1

I am in fifth grade and it is the time of year that we will be starting Capstone. Capstone is the big project at the end of the year. You either have to make a TED Talk, a video presentation, or an ignite. A TED Talk is a presentation where you have a script that you have to try to memorize. A slide is in the background and you can move the slides. But with an ignite, it is basically the same but the slides move automatically. In my opinion, I think that ignites make me a little pressured. Last but not least, we have the video presentation. I personally think that this is the best option. You make a video and it will be presented on the big screen. The worst part in my opinion is hearing your voice on the big screen.

I had a bunch of ideas for my capstone project such as space, Covid, music, 911, and maybe the ocean. These were pretty good ideas but I decided to cut some of them. I cut space because I’ve done way too many things about it. Then I cut 911 because someone else was doing it. Now I was down to Covid, music, and the ocean. We did some work on questions but that was before I had cut it. I had just realized I did so much question work on Covid, Space, and 911. But I still decided not to do 2 of them. I then erased the idea of covid because I wasn’t too into it. Now I was down to music, and maybe the ocean. Since the ocean was maybe so I picked music. I mean I have a musical family and I’ve always liked it. So that’s when I decided to do music. Even though I could’ve done space and ocean pretty easily, I wanted to learn more about something. Not something that I already knew tons about. 

Even though I knew a ton about music because music is everything to my family. I wanted to do something different. Like how it evolved over time. But then I eventually thought of music used in different cultures. I wanted to do both but I probably could only do 1. But I decided to see if I could combine them together. My question was , “How has music evolved over time and how do people use it in different cultures?” This was my original question and I put it into the organizer that my teacher shared with my class and I. Soon I saw that she had asked an alternative question to mine. It was, “How is music used across cultures?” She called me over during class and I told her that maybe I wanted to do Asion cultures. So next I had to think of 5 cultures that I could do. I did Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines. Now this was my new question. “How is music used in religion across Asian cultures? (Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines.) \

Coming up with the sub questions was interesting. At first I had my other question, “How has music evolved over time and how do people use it in different cultures?” But I had a pretty hard time coming up with sub questions. I thought and thought, and thought. I mean I would’ve done something like, “How was music back in the 1800?” or, “How did people use music in European culture?” I then talked to my mom about it and she was right. It was very broad and I wasn’t able to think of any sub questions. So with the help of my teachers, Mrs. Furgatch, and Mrs Cooper, I now have a good question. Now the sub questions. I had an idea about the sub questions but I knew that they would be very similar. So I told Mrs. Cooper about it and she said that it was ok if they were similar because of my question. So here are two of them. “How does music relate to religion across Chinese Culture? How is music used in religion across Thai culture?”

Overall I think Capstone will be very exciting, especially when I will see the final result.  I’m hoping that it will turn out great like other examples in previous years. I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post.

Immigration Reflection

We were supposed to make a video of us explaining the immigrant’s story. But not in a question answered type.

Creating the video was sort of complicated. I loved putting it together. It was super fun but not so much creating the script. Images were simple to find and weren’t too hard. The most challenging part was creating the voiceover. I think that the voiceover was quite annoying because it kept on echoing and glitching.

I learned a lot of things about the person that I interviewed. I asked her some questions and got a lot of info. I think I learned that when I conduct an interview next, I should probably have better quality questions so I got better answers. But I think for the first time, it was ok. Creating the video was a little easy but I learned next time to probably add more family pictures. 

In conclusion, this interview project was really fun and maybe one day I will do this again!

Immigration Interview

For our Immagration Project, we have to interview someone who immigrated to America. You have to have 10 – 15 questions to ask them. We have to put together a video to present to our classmates. I interviewed Penny (Penelope)

I had to prepare 10 – 15 questions. After a lot of deciding which questions to use, I went from 20 questions to 15. The pdf of example questions were super helpful because I could get some inspiration from the questions. For the interview the materials I used were my chromebook, my phone, and myself. I expected the interview to take around 15 minutes but it actually was much shorter. It took around 5 minutes! 

Conducting the interview was pretty easy. I just had to ask my questions and then record their answers. It didn’t take as long as expected because some answers were quite short, while some of them were super long. I got all the answers that I needed for my video. The next time when I am conducting I should probably speak louder so they could hear me better.  The most interesting thing that I learned was that she actually came to the United States to see her kids.

In conclusion, conducting the interview was exciting and you should try to interview someone too!