Choosing a Topic for my Feature Article!

We finished our personal narrative writing unit and now we are going to write about feature articles. I am super excited because I have a lot of ideas to write! 

A feature article is an article that tells you information about a topic. You can learn a lot of new facts. (If you don’t know what the topic is of course)

I chose 4 options for my articles and I think I can write a lot about each of them. Ocean, planets, oboe, and tennis. I love all of these topics but I know too much about planets and space so I have decided to make it my Capstone! 

I’m starting to eliminate options. I think I can write a feature article about oboe or the ocean. I just can’t decide because the oboe is my instrument that I play and I can definitely say a lot. Whereas the ocean, I can write about how it is being destroyed or sea animals which I love. 

But after all this thinking I think that making a feature article about the oboe would be my best choice. It is my instrument after all. I could do the ocean but I feel like I know more about the oboe.

I have learned a lot and can write about reeds, history about it, what happens if it broke, water, posture, keys, and even tips. This would probably make a good feature article.

So overall, I think that the oboe would be the best choice for a feature article. I did a lot of thinking to get to choose which one I think is the best. I hope you agree with me and I will see you in my next blog post. Bye!!

Personal Narrative Reflection

In the writing unit, personal narrative, I wrote a story called Lost at Sea in a Crazy storm. I had a lot of ideas of what to write for my final draft. Parasailing, Jet Skiing, and Getting Lost At Sea. I chose getting lost because I felt like this was going to be the most dramatic story out of the three of them. Since it was a recent event, I remembered most of what happened and I knew I could add details of what happened.

I used a ton of dialogue in my story that I had to delete quite a bit of it. I should have used more inner thinking and description because it was so crazy and had a lot of things going on. Most of it was pretty good but I know I can do better. It was a little difficult trying to end the piece because it was just us trying different ways to get back home. It was so frustrating because I couldn’t think of a good way to end it! I kept on trying and trying and ending up thinking of one. I mean it wasn’t the best but it worked. 

I think I used the dialogue pretty well. I did a lot of it and did some action at the end of most of it. Even though it was a lot of it, I took a bit out and it definitely sounded better than how it was before. I was happy with my narrative.

Editing was quite hard because I had to fix a lot of things. Punctuation and commas. That was hard because I had a lot of dialogue so I had to go to each one and put a comma after what they said. Even though it was hard, it was fun to edit and revise. After I did that it definitely sounded and looked better.

I had a lot of fun making my story. Thanks Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. F!

Book Review! Goosebumps : The Ghost Next Door

My Book Review

Goosebumps: The Ghost Next Door is a story about a girl named Hannah who has a bad dream and wakes up thinking that her neighbor, Danny, is a ghost. Hannah is trying to find out if Danny is a ghost or not but he keeps on disappearing. She also sees a shadow with glaring red eyes and says to stay away from Danny. Is Danny a ghost or is Hannah just seeing some illusions?  Read this book to find out what happens.

My favorite part of the book is the unpredictable ending with all the twists and turns in it. I could have never guessed that it would have happened.

I liked this book because it was a super interesting story with a lot of unexpected parts. This book is full of twists, suspense, and cliffhangers which would make you want part two of this book.

I think that Hannah is like me because if my neighbor kept on disappearing, or acting suspicious I would definitely want to spy on them.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes mystery/suspense/horror. If you love surprises and unexpected predictions, this book would be awesome for it. I enjoyed reading this book and I hope you do too!

Welcome to 5th Grade

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post in 20 months. One thing I have done since I had posted, was an ignite. Over the summer, I learned how to build robots that uses code so it can move. I don’t know what to look forward to because I don’t know what’s going to happen this year. See you in my next post!

Bar Model Tutorial 1

This is my very first attempt of making a bar model tutorial. I used google slides and to record, I used screencastify. The tutorial teaches you every thing you need to know about bar modeling. I really enjoyed making the video. I hope you like and I hope you learned a lot in the video I posted on my blog! Also this tutorial was inspired by Khan Academy.



Maglev Design #2

My group and I fixed the train track and made sure that the magnets perfectly lined up next to each other. We used two long strip magnets and we used two short strip magnets. Our idea was to make sure that the magnets on the track repelled to the magnets on the bottom of the car. Our other idea was to make sure that the magnets on the track lined up with the magnets on the bottom of the car. If the magnets were not lined up then the car would tip over then the train will not levitate above the track. It will not even levitate if the magnets repel and the magnets are lined up. The one thing that worked was that did not work was when we first got our train and the track, the car did not levitate because it was not lined up and the magnets were  attracted to each other. One thing that worked is that we finally got the train to levitate by lining it up and making sure that the magnets were repelling. Our goal was to make the car lighter so it can move by pushing it lightly and not keep on pushing it. 

Maglev Design #1

A maglev train is a levitating magnetic train. This is how it works. In order for the train to levitate, you put the magnets on the track and on the train/car you put the magnets on the bottom and make sure the magnets repel. If the magnets attract than the train/car will not levitate because the magnet on the car will want to stick to the  magnets on the track. 

My group and I failed on trying to make our train/car levitate because on one side it was levitating and the other side attracted to the magnets on the track. So me and my group are thinking to flip the magnets over to see if the train will levitate. One thing that was challenging is trying to make the train/car levitate above the track and make sure that all the magnets repel so the train will levitate above the track. One thing that worked well is that at least one side of the car levitated above the track and the magnets on the car, repelled to the magnets on the track.   

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

In science we are learning about balanced and unbalanced forces. We created two models to show unbalanced and balanced forces with a tug of war model. In this project, I learned that there is always force pulling on you. One thing that was challenging was putting the tug of war model on our chrome books. One thing I really enjoyed was pretending to be in a model of tug of war. I hope you learn about the differences between an unbalanced force and a balanced force that creates a net zero.


This is an example of balanced forces because there is more force pulling on the left side.

This is an example of balanced forces. The reason is because there is equal amount of force on both sides.