
The other day was christmas,(and my mom’s birthday),  and it was the best! I got so many presents like, squishies, jewelry, clothes, art, and much more.

One of my favorite things was a hand boiler, and it is so cool! A hand boiler is a toy where you can touch the bottom and the liquid inside of it goes up and then it starts to boil, like boiling water, my hand boiler is blue.

Another one of my favorite things that I got were these earrings. The earrings are shaped like a star and have diamonds on them, there silver and I love them.

I also got a little backpack for New York City. It is meant to hold my homework and iPad in it if I have to go for an audition right after school or in the middle of school. The backpack is all black and a little gray., it has camo and palm trees in the back round.

I have a lot of favorite things, but I don’t want to name every single one go them. I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Bye!

this is the hand boiler I got

these are the earrings I got

One thought on “Christmas!!!!!!!

  1. Nice! I never ask for more than one or two things for Christmas, I’m not one of those kids who does a ton of gifts. I find it overrated.

    The hand boiler reminds me of my lava lamp that I keep on a small desk next to my bed. As it turns out, hand boilers and lava lamps are very different! But anything involving colors and liquid, much less colored liquid, is cool to me.


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