Final blog post

Over all this quarter I’ve really enjoyed all the projects. My favorite part of this quarter was to of course get to know mr. Calvert but also to learn about space and so much more. My favorite project has to be the Catapults because it was the funnest to make and i still play with it today, another reason was it was my favorite because we got to make games out of them and I really enjoyed my game. Some things you can do better for next year is make the project a little less complicated, because at least for me the cams and cranks were so complicated and they didn’t turn out so good. Overall I loved tech and i learned so much.

Electric scope

We did an electric scope project last week and it was one of my favorites. The objects you would need is, tin foil, a glass cup, a paper clip, tape, and cardboard and lastly a balloon. The goal of the project was to rob the ballon on your hair and see if the paper clip would move or make a sound. I liked this project because it was fun to do and it wasn’t hard but it will also really cool fun to see it move and hear the sounds. And then you had to explain why you think this happened, and I said, since both electrons are negtive they wanted to get alway from each other. Overall I really enjoyed this project.

Bread board

We did Bread boards as our project for this week. I got lucky and was able to do it in class with my teacher. The things you would need were, a battery, two wires, a wire cutter, a bread board. So what you has to do was cut two wires to a 4 inch length and then put it into the bread board and then you would connect it to the battery and then your light would turn on. This project was kinda of easy it didn’t take a while and it was super fun too. Overall I loved this project.


The cranks were a challenge for me, it had a lot of problems like a lot of problems. One of the problems was that when it was time to build the crank all my pieces were smooched together and when i finally got tin together it was not strong it it was just a mess. My second problem was that I used crank b and when I was building that it completely broke down like everything just ripped into pieces. As you can see it was really big struggle.


We did cams as our project this week! It was really hard to do but at the end I wasn’t even able to make it. The middle of my cam wasn’t working like the axles part wasn’t staying and I think the problem was that when I was folding the other parts of the cam it was’t straight and I think that effected them cam for the axcel to stay on the cam. I mean I tried my hardest and a lots of people didn’t work either so I think It’s okay.