This post is a work in progress as students finish & tweak their animated books
The following items are animated books created using Google Slides with Ms. Mangan’s class:
The third graders created Information Books as a part of our non-fiction reading and writing units. They started with an “expert” topic, one they already knew a lot about. This topic required little to no research, simply background knowledge. After the students chose a topic they began developing chapter ideas, elaborating on those ideas and accompanying them with non-fiction text features. The kids worked on several drafts making edits and revisions. Each chapter was placed in a logical order, for some students paragraphs were developed and for all students the writing was organized with topic sentences and supporting details.
Next came the publishing portion of the project. With support from Mr. Casal, the students used Google Presentation to create slides to display their information. This was a wonderful learning experience. Everything from typing text to inserting photographs to creating transitions was taught and then put to practice. In the end the third graders created a comprehensive non-fiction information book that can be enjoyed for years to come and across the globe because of its final form, Google Presentation. – @LindsayCMangan
The books…
(student projects listed alphabetically by first name)
more to come…
more to come…
Chris, I love your book but I think your slides move on click
William,next time tell us whats a qb
Alex, I like your introduction – Gabi to Alex
Nate I like your picture of Lebron James.
your images are tremendous! – to kevin
I don't really know what " move your arms like a rainbow means" Kate, but I think the rest is good.
Nate, I thought that your slide show was really inspiring and now I feel like an official basketball player.
I am not sure if you are right leila but thank you for comment .
Aidan, I think you should change how you said''you never want flat fingers in the piano, '' I think you should say''you never want flat fingers on your piano.''
Jaden I really like the words in the 7th slide!
leila, I like the pictures of the cats
Chris how do you make sticks
Thanks for the comment. I just fixed that.
I love your slide Lexi! It has great pictures.
Kate I like how you put little details in your book.
What are strays Gabi?
Ally, you'er book is great but you wrote something twice.
Thanks, yours are to!
Christopher, on the second chapter it's suppose to be sticks.
Alex, I like your book but you have a link that brings you back but I like the rest
Gabi, your book was amazing you taught me so much about dolphins and what they eat.
I think you should tell us how to get wood before we go mining because how will I craft a pickaxe if I don't wood? It doesn't come out of nowhere, right?
You should do each slide the same transition, Marcello.
Thank you for saying that Kevin!
Jaden, what do you mean by''and what tier they are in you will also learn about wood.''
William, I think your book is great but on slide 10 you said Breat Fave gets on the hall of Fame.
I'll fix that!
Thanks for changing it! Kate.
I love your picters
Audrey I loved your lead and introduction but there isn't always 4 beats in a measure.
Lexi I never new that there could be bumps on the bottom of a dance shoe.
Chase, is their supposed to be an arrow pointing to an f.
Caitlyn, II think maybe you should explain what pedals are.
Alex, in your Glossary underwater is a compound word.
I love your pictures chase!
Alex, I mean the value of the ore. Ok?
Your pictures are amazing Lexi
Audrey, I loved your lead and your introduction but there isn't always 4 beats in a measure.
That is to bring you back to the Table of Contents
Your book was really good Gabi, but I don't know what you mean by ''so cut the eating and start reading."
Audrey, amazing book love the pictures.
Ok Marcello?
I'll fix it
The link is to bring you back to the table of contents
I fixed that already Barbara.
Jaden, you should change ''now you need sticks chop down some trees'' into now you need sticks ''to'' chop down trees.
It has been such a treat to go through the presentations. I am very impressed with the quality and creativity of the children's work. What a wonderful class of students!
Thanks Giana I just changed that.
Nice pictures William!