Presentation Styles

This year we will do Capstone a bit differently. The tri-fold boards are no more. We are presenting our projects in more engaging ways…

Two modern presentation styles are TED Talks and Ignite Presentations. TEDs are usually 18 minutes and have very little visuals or slides. Ignites are 5 minute presentations with slides auto-advancing every 20 seconds. TEDs are more conversational, Ignites are more fast paced. Use the links below to read more about each style as well as watch various examples…

TED Talks

some TED talks appear repeatedly on all the links above, but each list is worth looking at regardless.

Ignite Talks


5th graders will be blogging throughout their Capstone experience, possibly adding pages and resources to their Google Sites portfolios, and following the traditional Capstone framework. The difference this year is the presentation will not be in the form of a tri-fold board but rather as an actual presentation. The full requirements are still to be worked out, but the culminating activity will be a live, in-person presentation in either TED or Ignite styles.


The presentations will be recorded and the students will be able to add their videos to their final blog reflections after Capstone finishes.

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