Working on my final product has been challenging, I needed everything to be perfect. When I started writing my script, the challenge was giving my presentation some personality. Since I chose such a fun topic for Capstone, I couldn’t have a boring script beacause that would not only put everyone to sleep, but it would ruin the purpose of my topic. I chose to do my Capstone on Yogibo so that I could have fun doing my research, and I did, so I needed show that in my presentation. I had to think of a fun opening statement. It took a while and I watched some TED talks to see how they structured their introductions. The opening statement is so important. I had to figure out a way to engage my audience in a fun way that got them excited about Yogibo. I realized that comfort is one of the main things about the product, so I thought I’d pose a question. “Are you comfortable right now?” I thought that would be the best way to start because it might catch the audience’s attention, and most likely they’re not feeling too comfortable in school chairs…especially parents!
Then I decided it would be a good idea to use my Yogibo in my presentation so that I could demonstrate some of its great aspects and also do part of my presentation relaxing comfortably on it. I also brought in an ordinary beanbag so that I could show the differences between a Yogibo and a standard beanbag, and what better way to do that than to play a game! I decided to play a game where you have to find at least five different ways to use the ordinary beanbag. Trust me, this game is a lot harder than it sounds.
For my final presentation I decided to do a TED Talk with an iMovie rather than with a slideshow. I thought this would be better beacause I have more experience using iMovie and I didn’t want to press the space bar on the computer to advance my slides every 30 seconds. This ended up being a huge mistake beacause when I started rehearsing I had to take a lot of extra time to make sure that what I said matched up with the timing on my iMovie. This is a risk, so wish me luck!