Non-Fiction Reading

This Thursday, we started non-fiction reading. Mrs. Boyer told us our non-fiction reading group was our table. She explained that she would give us a basket with books that had the same topic, and we would have to gather more of those books. We would also need to build a bigger topic, such as sports. My table got plants, and we searched the bookshelf in hope of finding more. Then, we decided it would be easier to take a step forward and make it nature. We found some animal books, to go with insects.

We built the tower(of books)as high as we could, and after a while we looked at it. The stack was about a foot or two, and we felt proud. Suddenly, Mrs. Boyer announced,”Now, since you made a stack, you will have to sort all the books into different sections.” She came over to our table and said,”You should sort on the carpet, because of your stack.” We carried our books one at a time to the rug,and dumped them there.

My table put the books into one stack, and one by one sorted them into groups. We started with plants. Then we found plant books and put them in the pile of plant books. After that, we made other stacks. We finished that, and Mrs. Boyer told us to pick one small topic to read. My table discussed it forĀ  a while, and then decided on animals, since it was the biggest stack.

We took the animal books back to our table, and looked through it. It had a lot of penguin, wolf and elephant books, so we kept those and put the other animal books on the shelf. Then, we each took one of the penguin books, and started reading. We learned so many different things, from learning how they camouflage to how they swim. The End.

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