Buddies Reflection

Today, we went to buddies. This time was extra fun, because we were teaching them how to use Chrome Music Lab! First, we brought our ipads and headphones. We went down to the kindergarten wing. Then, we found our partners and they went to get their ipads and headphones. Ms. Boyer said if we wore our headphones all the time, then we could sit in the hallway! Me and my buddy both wanted to, so we sat next to the doorway. It was very quiet, so we could hear the music better.

I first introduced her to the song maker. We liked it the most, and we decided to stay on it longer. Then, I showed her everything else. She said she couldn’t hear the music, so Ms. Furgatch asked someone else to help. After we figured it all out (it turned out she didn’t plug her headphones in!), we did a few more of the music “things”. She mostly stayed on song maker, but on my ipad, I showed her the music things she hadn’t played with yet. After a while, we had to go. I said good bye, and we left. I thought this was really fun, and I hope next time will be as fun as this time!

What I Learned Over Break

We just had our Winter Break. I learned a lot of things over break. First, I learned how to ride on an electric scooter without handles. Second, I learned that my brother’s lessons and classes are hard. He’s also trying to find a class for doctors, but he only found a nurse’s class (he’s still looking for another class). And finally, on the last day, I learned that I’m a good storyteller. I’ll explain one of them.

I was having a playdate at Sophia’s house with Jane, Natalie, Isabella, Cindy and Brooke. I had to be late because before it, I had piano lessons. When I arrived there, they were just in the middle of decorating cakes with frosting, sprinkles, and M&M’s.We each had our own, individual cake slices. After we ate the cakes slices, we went downstairs to watch something. We didn’t know what to watch. But then, someone suggested to watch Aladdin, because previously at Heathcote, there was a play based on Aladdin. Suddenly, Brooke came in with the “electric scooter”. Me and a few other people wanted to ride it, too. I first tried it, but it was hard at first. I had to jump off every 2 seconds! After everyone tried it, I rode it more. After a long time, I finally was able to ride on it. I could go around obstacles! Then, after a while, it was time to go home. It was really fun, and I’m glad I learned something new!

Character Traits Letter Reflection

Dear Mrs. Boyer,

At home and in school, I’m reading about a fiction character. His name is Nate, and he is supposed to be based on the author. He and his school are both very creative, especially in the 4th book, Big Nate Goes for Broke. He’s also very good at working in teams. He is a good leader. Nate is usually also really funny. He can self-control himself and not do every crazy thing that crosses his mind. Nate’s also enthusiastic, honest, and brave. He has lots of social intelligence.

In each of his books, their is a different plot. As a six-grader at P.S. 38, he has dozens of rivalries, like different schools, a mean bully, seventh-grade champions, and lots more! Even his social studies teacher is his enemy. He personally likes cheez doodles, cartooning, and playing hockey. What he doesn’t like is on this list: Figure-skating, drawing girl’s hair, and homework. This is all I can tell you without giving spoilers.




Image result for big nate pics

Big Nate Goes for Broke, the book

Maglev #2

This week we added more power. We did this by sticking 2 more bar magnets on top of the old ones. But since the old ones and the new ones repelled, we had to flip the bottom ones so it could stick. I thought there might be a problem, since wouldn’t the train just stick to the bottom magnet? Plus, it wouldn’t be just as powerful. In fact, it would be less powerful! But it did work, and we were happy. The placement of the strip magnets on the tracks was very common. Everybody used it the idea!

The first time, we failed. That’s because our train had South, and the train tracks were North. So it stuck. We fixed that by taking the train out, and then we switched sides. Now it was North to North, so it repelled and the train levitated! When we got it right, though, we needed to make the train fly higher. So, the way we improved it is that we added another 2 magnets to the track.

I learned a lot of things from this experience, from what a maglev is, to the EDP (Engineering Design Process). The EDP, in case you don’t know, goes like this: Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve. Working with groups is also something I learned. It told me teamwork is hard, but it pays off. Something else is that a maglev is a levitating vehicle that works with magnets. That’s what maglev stands for: Magnetic levitation.

Maglev #1

A maglev train is a train that levitates with the power of magnets. You have to attach magnets to the train’s bottom and the train tracks for it to work. My group thought we should use bar magnets and disc magnets.

Today, when we tried to make the train levitate, it worked on the second try. The first attempt left  train stuck to the tracks. The second levitated an inch from the tracks. My group and I decided we would try to put two strip magnets on the tracks, and then we would put disc magnets on the bottom of the train. We tried to do it, and it didn’t work at first. One of the train’s magnets were on a different side, so it attracted to the tracks. That’s why the first one did not work, because it stuck.

My group didn’t really pay attention in the first few minutes, but we pulled it together. We first cut the strip magnets. We measured it, and that was a bit hard. Then when we cut it, it was also hard, because the strip magnet was very hard. But when we set it up, it was easier than expected. We still struggled to make sure the magnets were on the right side, and that it repelled, but it still was easy.

Non-Fiction Reading

This Thursday, we started non-fiction reading. Mrs. Boyer told us our non-fiction reading group was our table. She explained that she would give us a basket with books that had the same topic, and we would have to gather more of those books. We would also need to build a bigger topic, such as sports. My table got plants, and we searched the bookshelf in hope of finding more. Then, we decided it would be easier to take a step forward and make it nature. We found some animal books, to go with insects.

We built the tower(of books)as high as we could, and after a while we looked at it. The stack was about a foot or two, and we felt proud. Suddenly, Mrs. Boyer announced,”Now, since you made a stack, you will have to sort all the books into different sections.” She came over to our table and said,”You should sort on the carpet, because of your stack.” We carried our books one at a time to the rug,and dumped them there.

My table put the books into one stack, and one by one sorted them into groups. We started with plants. Then we found plant books and put them in the pile of plant books. After that, we made other stacks. We finished that, and Mrs. Boyer told us to pick one small topic to read. My table discussed it for  a while, and then decided on animals, since it was the biggest stack.

We took the animal books back to our table, and looked through it. It had a lot of penguin, wolf and elephant books, so we kept those and put the other animal books on the shelf. Then, we each took one of the penguin books, and started reading. We learned so many different things, from learning how they camouflage to how they swim. The End.


Today in class, we made electromagnets. Except these ones we didn’t wrap all the way around the bolt(with the wire). So, me and my science group used wire, a few paperclips, a bolt, a battery, and a battery holder.

We first wrapped the wire to a quarter of the bolt. Then, we attached the wire to the battery holder with the battery inside. We tried to get the paperclips to “stick” to the electromagnet. It didn’t stick. We recorded(wrote) what happened on a sheet of lined paper. After that, we wrapped the wire a little further down the bolt, around the middle. We tried to pick up the paperclips, but it didn’t work. Then we wrote our thoughts down. A little later, we wrapped the wire to a third of the bolt. We attempted to pick up the paperclips, and we succeeded! Then we  scribbled our words down. We finally wrapped it all the way to the end, where we found that it was much easier to pick the paperclips up. We were given sheets with questions on them.

If someone asked me,”What did you learn about electromagnets?” I would have answered,” I learned that electromagnets are not permanent, but temporary. That’s because you can disassemble them, or they might run out of power.”If someone also asks me”What questions do you have about magnets?” Then I would have said” How are magnets made? What are magnets made out of? Can a magnet be made out of ordinary metal?”This was a great opportunity for me to learn more about magnets.

Science with Magnets

Today in science we learned about magnets. I learned that the earth was the largest magnet in the universe. I also learned that gravity seems like a magnet because it pulls things down when they drop, but it isn’t one.

We also went around “stations” that were set up on our tables with our science group(our previous table).  The stations had magnets and “iron dust”. The magnets and dust were there for us to experiment with. We used See Think Wonder sheets to copy down our thoughts.

Then, while my group was at Table 1, it was clean-up time. Some people would clean, but others would still build and experiment with the magnets and dust. Over all, it was really fun.

The Playdate

I couldn’t wait. Standing outside in the hot sun, I moved my eyes side to side, looking for her. My dad said “They should be here any minute!”Suddenly around the corner, came Cindy! Her mom explained why they were late. It was because she told her mom she wanted to ride her bike to my house.


Then we ran inside my house, into my living room. I plopped myself onto my soft couch while I told her about my Harry Potter Document. I tapped and clicked a few buttons, and I was in. Scrolling down the doc, I showed Cindy how many pages I wrote, and what I did in them, such as J.K. Rowling, Daniel Radcliffe,and Rupert Grint. I also showed her where I got the information. Then we watched trailers of movies that the actors were also in on my dads old iphone.

Then Cindy and l got bored, so we looked at my cartooning story. The story told us how to make a cartoon in a really funny story! I also showed her the cartoon I didn’t finished. I read it aloud to her

After that, we started the game. My doll was the baby, Phoebe. I was the owner, and Cindy was the dog.”Ding Dong”That was Anya and Alyssa! We rushed to the door. They came in, and we sprinted back into the TV room. Then, Anya became the big sister and the preschool teacher. Alyssa spotted my Hatchimal and said”I’ll be your Hatchimal!” We nodded. It made sense, since Alyssa LOVED to act the youngest. So we started. In the game, there was a mystery. The dog, (Cindy)kept on asking me (the owner)where and what happened to her mom, while Alyssa went to do a scavenger hunt in her preschool!

A little later, my dad came in and asked”Would you four like something to eat?” We looked at each other and said in unison” YEAH!”My dad got us yogurt, lemon cake, and bubble tea. After that, we finished and went to watch TV. I told them there was a super funny show they HAD to watch. I searched it up. I clicked an episode called Mission: Riverdale High.  We watched it and it was super funny! Then they had to go. It was really fun!  

The End