Maglev Post #3

Today we realized that our train was not levitating so we put more and more magnets on the track until it got high enough for us to put weight on it.

We had to put two magnets on the both of the track and train at first, but after, we put a lot more strip magnets on them. The amount of magnets we put on the track changed the responding variable.

We put not many magnets on it, like, at all.  So the responding variable changed very little.

My group is AWESOME (can you give me this group next time) I had an amazing time working with them. They are all such nice people.


Blog post #2 Maglev

Unfortunately our test failed today so we did not have anything that worked for the maglev train.  I did have fun with my team so I would say that worked today.

We got strip magnets and taped them to the track but we put too many magnets on the track then, we put only three strip magnets on it and it still did not work so all of our tests failed. I learned that you cannot put too much tape on the magnets because the tape will block the magnets from repelling.  Tomorrow we will on as much tape.

My goal is to improve our next design session by placing the magnets on the train in the same order as the track. Hopefully that will make the train work.


Maglev blog post #1

A magnetic levitation is a train that hovers over the track by using Magnetic forces (north\south Poles). My group tested if all the magnets were north or south by lining them up and putting them over each other to see which ones attracted or repelled.


Unfortunately all of today’s tests failed.  One of the things that failed including taping magnets to the train but then the train flipped over.  Another idea we had and tried was to flip the magnets over and retry it but that also did not work  but, we tried.


My group was really good and I had a fun time.  It was challenging because we all had different ideas and we had to decide what to do, we figured it out and everyone in my group was great.