Answer the question!

We’re buddy’s! So nice

So, if you read the title, you would know what you’re going to do. If you didn’t read the title*, then I will explain it for you. Pretty much you have to answer the question I give you. First person to answer the question correctly will get to be proud of themselves and maybe win something else. Ok you will win something else because I’m nice**. I’m still deciding on the best prize for the winner. I don’t want the winner to get something bad! I’m nice***!

So, the question is: What is the holiday where you put fish on people’s backs.

*Owen! Read the title!

**Owen! Be nice!

***Owen! Be nice! (again) Really though, BE NICE!

9 thoughts on “Answer the question!

    1. Owen! You looked it up on google! I didn’t have to! I already knew that! You only get stage 1 and stage 2 of an ANW course, but you don’t get stage 3 and stage 4 you cheater! 🙁

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