Sometimes when we give to others, we receive even more in return. Watch this video. Try not to cry, then think of a time when you or someone you know made a sacrifice or did a good deed for the benefit of someone else. Briefly write about this time. Try not to cry.
We give for the love and emotional response.
I agree Max. That kind of response can be so gratifying too.
But the question is “think of a time when you or someone you know made a sacrifice or did a good deed.”
I think the man in this video gives what he has to other living things, and he receives a gift that money can’t buy. He receives friendship.
This makes me think of almost every year my family gives old clothes, stuffed animals, and we also give the homeless money.
This is not sad it is just about someone giving and sacrificing his time. He is a good person doing good for the world.
I gave my water to someone in my soccer practice and then I got the satisfaction of them being hydrated instead of me. 🙂
That’s really kind of you Cole. I hope next time you can find a way to keep yourself hydrated as well!
That is really kind of you Cole
I gave a homeless man on the street twenty dollars
One time I was walking on the streets in New York City and their was really homeless man sitting on the side of the road. He was sick and old. I had two dollars on me and I gave the man the money and he was so happy he started crying! I could of used the money to buy a toy or candy but I gave it to the man! 🙂
That was really kind of you, Max!
I remember when my dad carried my friend to the car when he cracked his head open
I remember when I found a phone at an airport Instead of keeping it for myself, I went looking for found the person’s phone. And found him! He very happy and thanked me.
I gave the class a book.
I gave food to a church to give to the people who don’t have what we have. 🙂
i gave my coaches water and felt satisfaction for the being hydrated 🙂
When my cousin broke his foot, I was always there to get him ice or bring him his jacket. It isn’t a sacrifice, but it is just a small good deed.
I once let someone go in front of me in the line.
I also held the door open
A good deed I did was making friends with a new kid and teaching him how to play basketball
a good deed I once did was, that when some one held the door I say thank you! (all the time)
At swim practice my friend forgot to bring snacks so I gave a bag of chips to her.
me and my mom went to a food drive
In December I went to see nuns in a retirement home with my sibling CCD and we talked to them and cheered them up we also sang Christmas carols and gave them presents and it really made me feel good.
I remember when one of my friend’s grandma was sick and my mom made my friend’s family dinner and we let my friend stay at our house while the rest of her family took care of their grandma.
I gave people playing instruments on the street 15 dollars 🙂
I give gifts to people who don’t have a lot of money every Christmas
A good deed that I did was give all my small clothes to charity
I also donated some of my clothes that are small on me. I always do when my clothes get small on my. Or I hand it down to my cousin.
Someone at my baseball game forgot their bat so I leaded him it and let him use it.
one Christmas me and family gave my dad’s kid lawyer a whole console for Christmas because he barely got anything for Christmas.I think this video is very emotional.
I also donated clothes that were small on me