19 thoughts on “Immigration Wonder

  1. I think the connection is that U.S wanted all people to fell free, and the immigrants wanted these freedoms to so that’s why there is so many because the U.S hated how England bossed them around and disrespected there rights.

  2. the connection between immigration and the founding of america is that america is made up of immigrants. america wouldn’t be the same without people from all over the world (immigrants). america was founded by people who weren’t originally american. even now i don’t think anybody is really fully american. everyone has roots from somewhere else.

  3. Immigration and the founding of America are connected because America was founded to be a free country where people had rights and in a lot other places people did not have rights so they immigrated to America so they could have rights and be free.

  4. immigration is when a person or more moves to a new country permanently. the founding of America is when the settlers came and lived there for a little bit of time, they did not stay permanently.

  5. I think that they came here because in other countries kings did unfair stuff, and in america there were freedoms and rights for people

  6. I think the connection is that they wanted a place were they could immigrate and be free. they all wanted to have a place were they could celebrate religion, and all races could be free because England always bossed us around.

  7. The connection between immigration and the founding of America is that different people from different countries have found America. Many people from different countries had moved to America for equality, probably because they didn’t get what they want at there home countries. Those people are immigrants. Which means that America is made up of immigrants.

  8. One of the connections between immigration and the founding of America they both moved into new places that they did not know very well.

  9. I think the connection is the colonists came to North America and colonized our country. So basically everyone in America is a Immigrant. The Europeans were the first people to colonize America. One of your relatives is a Immigrant.

  10. the connection between immigration and the founding of america is america is made up of immigration. For example many people for america are immigrants from around the world.The founders of america are immigrants.

  11. I think the connection between Immigration and america is that Immigrants moved to America so that they could be free. And they heard great stories about America so they wanted to move there.

  12. There is no such thing as a full american person at least one american has a ancestor who has immigrated to America. Because the colonists
    were from Europe that immigrated to America, to escape the British.
    So basically immigrants founded America.

  13. What is the connection between immigration and the founding of America is that people that come to America make up America and that if they don’t come we would not be an America.

  14. I think that when America got taken over by England, America got rights after they won. Then all of the immigrants came to America because it had a lot of rights.

  15. The connections between immigration and the founding of America is that both the people who were immigrating to America and the founders of America set up in America to live here permanently. Also the founders of America told wonderful stories about America. For example they said the streets were paved with gold. Because of this many immigrants came to live in America. As you can see those are the connections between immigration and the founding of America.

  16. The connection is that the people from the England came here as immigrants because they moved to america to stay here and that is a immanent and the people who came after the war are immigrants too because they came to america to stay here.

  17. I think its connected because, America was founded from people from Britan ( British Immagrants) , founded America for freedom. Then people came from everywhere, except for the Native Americans. Now America is so diffrent then before.

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